Explanation and validation of factors predicting the creative performance of human resource in knowledge-based companies
Subject Areas : Organizational and managerial creativity-logy, creativity and innovation management
Reza Sepahvand
Fazel Saidi
Maryam Moumeni
1 - Professor, management Group. Lorestan University
2 - Islamic Azad University Science and Research Branch
3 - University Lorestan
Keywords: creative self-efficacy, Knowledge-Based Companies, Psychological security, Creative Performance, Leader Humility,
Abstract :
Purpose: The purpose of the current research is to explain and investigate the the factors affecting the creative performance of human resource in knowledge-based companies.Methodology: The current research is positivism in terms of philosophical assumptions, in terms of quantitative approach, in terms of descriptive-survey strategy. also, the pratical from the perspective of audience research, and in terms of data collection, it is a field research. Standard questionnaires of Qian et al (2020), Sun et al (2020), Ahmad et al (2018) and Wang et al (2018) were used to measure the variables of leader humility, creative performance, Psychological security and creative self-efficacy. The validity and reliability of the questionnaires were confirmed through face validity and cronbach's alpha, Spearman's reliability, composite reliability and share reliability respectively. The statistical population of the research includes the knowledge-based companies of Lorestan province, whose 130 employees have been selected as the target population of the research. The data were analyzed and validated through the variance-based structral equation modeling algorithm.Findings: The analysis of the results at the %95 confidence level shows a positive and significant effect of leader humility on creative performance, leader humility on psychological security, psychological security on creative performance leader humility on creative self-efficacy and creative self-efficacy on creative performance. The analysis of indirect paths shows the mediating role of psychological security and creative self-efficacy in the influence of leader humility on creative performance.Conclusion: The empirical measurement and validation of the research shows that the leader humility through psychological security and creative self-efficacy as predictive factors of the variance of the creative performance of human resources in knowledge-based companies. Also, the current research can add to the rich literature the field of creative oerformance of human resources.