The role of creativity and managerial intelligence in the formation of a smart city
Subject Areas : Creativity and innovation from managerial, organizational, industrial, creativity and innovation
Seyyed Jalaloddin Faraji
Seyyed Mohammad Reza Sarabi
1 - PhD in Architecture and Urban Management - Professor of Allameh Tabatabai University of Tehran - Department of Public Administration
2 - Master's student in Urban Affairs Management - Allameh Tabatabai University of Tehran / Manager of Innovation Factory of Mashhad Municipality
Keywords: urban management, Smart city, Urban Creativity, urban intelligence, managerial intelligence,
Abstract :
The current century, which is known as the century of cities, has seen extensive changes in the lives of human societies. Failure to properly manage these changes can lead to widespread problems for citizens. Therefore, moving towards smart cities and their management is one of the key actions that has been highly considered in recent years.Meanwhile, city managers, their creativity and managerial intelligence can play an important role in the realization of this issue. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to investigate and identify the role of creativity and managerial intelligence of city officials in shaping smart cities. These factors have been extracted using thematic analysis method. The findings of the research confirm that the three basic components of managerial intelligence, i.e. political intelligence, logical intelligence, and emotional intelligence, along with creativity, play an important and outstanding role in moving towards a smart city. In this connection, 96 primary codes and 16 organizing codes and finally 3 comprehensive codes (political, logical and emotional intelligence) have been identified.
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