The foundations of mother's guardianship in Imami jurisprudence and Iranian law with a look at its foundations in American law
Subject Areas : Recent Developments in public lawHasan Falah 1 , seyed javad seyedalizadeh ghangi 2 , bahnam ghanbarpoor 3
1 - PhD student in private law , Qaemshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qaemshahr, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor ,Department of law,Qaemshahr Branch,Islamic Azad University , Qaemshahr, Iran (crosspounding Author).
3 - Assistant Professor ,Department of law ,Qaemshahr Branch,Islamic Azad University , Qaemshahr, Iran
Keywords: mother, natural guardianship, tender years, child benefit,
Abstract :
Human nature and the benefit of the child and the society require that the guardianship of the child and the management of his affairs be entrusted to people who are more closely related to him and who are interested in his fate and happiness.Although the laws are not the same in determining the persons who are in charge of this position and how to apply it, as well as regarding the prisoners who are under compulsory guardianship.In accordance with Imami jurisprudence, the civil law in articles 1180 and 1181 places the guardianship of the child on the father and the paternal ancestor on the same level as the father, and does not foresee any type of guardianship for the mother.Therefore, in the inquiry regarding the question of what basis and criteria can the mother's guardianship be based on in the laws of Iran and America; With the descriptive-analytical method according to the time requirements of the current period, this province can be considered for parents.In American law, at first, due to the low social status of women and the unreasoning control of them by their husbands, they did not have any rights regarding child custody.Finally, in addition to the fundamental differences in the laws of the two countries regarding the rules of the mother's guardianship over her children, with the focus on the expediency and needs of the child, it is possible to favor the priority of the mother's dignified guardianship in some cases.
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