International Criminal Court Advocacy Procedure for Child Sexual Victimization
Subject Areas : Recent Developments in public law
Reyhaneh Zandi
Ali Molabeygi
1 - Doctoral student of Public International Law, Faculty of Law, Tem Department, Tem State University, Tem, Iran.
2 - PhD student in criminal law and criminology, faculty of law and political science, Tehran branch, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Supportive Perspective, Sexual Victims, Child sensitive approach, International Criminal Court, Children,
Abstract :
Among victims of international crimes, children and adolescents need more support because they are growing mentally and physically and their personality has not been properly formed. Among these, victims of sexual assault are at greater risk, such as repeated abuse, future crime, prostitution, expulsion from society and various sexually transmitted diseases. The leading research by library method seeks to find the level of attention of international criminal court to the sexual abuse of children and also the types of support provided to them in this court. Findings of the study show that the International Criminal Court pays more attention to this issue than other. However, there are still many gaps and weaknesses in the Court's performance and there is a long distance from the theoretical approach to the practical procedure of the Court, which makes it necessary to balance the goals of the Court's proceedings and follow the example of some international judicial institutions in some cases.
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