Ruler and its characteristics in Jahiz's political thought
Subject Areas : Political Developments in Iran
Ali Shirkhani
Hossein Shirkhani
1 - Professor, Department of Political Science, Qom Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qom, Iran
2 - Master of Regional Studies, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Imamate, imam, Jahiz, Political Thought, Ruler, human being,
Abstract :
What kind of creature is man? Does man have good nature or bad nature? There are two general views among the scholars, and Jahiz believes in being bad natured, and on this basis, he believes that man by his own nature, without help and support He cannot organize his life according to Sharia, because based on the natural evil of man, every person seeks to get the most benefits for himself, and this issue causes the emergence of quarrels and conflicts in human societies, from this emergence of the existence of the Imam. In a general sense, it is necessary and necessary for the guidance of the society, and the sending of messengers was also based on this basis, and the status of the Prophet was finished, and after him, the Imam and the Imamate continued, and the immediate successor of that Prophet should have been Hazrat Ali, peace be upon him. Because he is similar to the prophet and the imam must also have the characteristics of the prophet. Based on this basis, he considered the imams of the society as one of the prominent ones of the society, why should he lead the human societies towards material and spiritual perfection. The presence of prominent features can make the imam the guide and leader of the society, and it is necessary and necessary to pay attention to these qualities in the selection of an imam for the society, and the imam of this tower have the dependencies.