Stylistic analysis of footnote or popular novels based on a look at the historical footnote novel "Hamoyeh" and the examination of the male character by Hossein Qoli Mustaan
Subject Areas : stylistics
akram asgari
fatemeh pakroo
Hamidreza ardestanirostami
1 - university olom va tahghighat/tehran/iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Garmsar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar. Iran.
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Dezful Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dezful, Iran
Keywords: history, Keywords: popular footnote novel, homeland, love,
Abstract :
The writer's or poet's method is called a style that shows their specific concepts and topics. In literary works, the study of intellectual, literary and linguistic features makes the reader understand the author's point of view. Pavaraki novel is a new phenomenon and a branch of It is literature.Language of the work: A footnote with simple language and general structure shows the weaknesses and cultural defects of the society.It reflects political, social and historical realities like a mirror. With the political and social upheavals of the end of the Qajar period, writers with a sharp pen showed the flaws of the society. The historical footnote novel "Hamoyeh" was written with the theme of love and simple prose and narrative language encouraging patriotism.Study method:This essay has analyzed the narrative of the intellectual content of the historical novel with a descriptive-analytical method.The noteworthy point is the analysis of the male historical characters of the work.Popular novels can be separated from elitist literature due to certain clichés and frameworks throughout the work, events, characters, story line, and fixed themes such as love triangles and squares, boy and girl falling in love. All these features are mainly around a simple axis and to make the story interesting.Conclusion: The language of these novels, according to the type of audience, is simple, far from complexity. In these novels, love and hoKeywords: popular footnote novel, love, homeland, historymeland are two main symbols.In fact, earthly love and love of the country are parallel to each other.
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