Women in Literature: From Trauma to Self-Knowledge
Subject Areas : Sport Management
Nagin Heidarizadeh
Sayed Rahim Moosavinia
Bahnosh Akhavan
1 - Tehran University, Kish Pardis International University, Department of English Language and Literature, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Shahid Chamran University in Ahvaz, Department of English Language and Literature, Ahvaz, Iran.
3 - Alzahra University Tehran, Department of English Language and Literature, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract :
The aim of this research was to introduce the psyche of traumatized women and the literature that illustrate it. We should accept that "literature is the important and main basis of art that can influence the other artistic fields". As Helen Cixous believes; the female writer in the form of "ecriture feminine "or women writing; it means that a written text must be in a different style and with the political power which can use the female desire and break patriarchal thought. Women in the literary texts of Margaret Atwood expressed the story of their trauma, pains and the psychological problems; they can write about their self-knowledge towards the society that live in. They would like to find a reader to listen to their story and by the help of narrating; they can reduce the traumatized feeling and give a lesson of insight to the readers. The protagonists can relate past, present and the future time to each other, so that in the present time they can learn a lesson from the past faults and trauma in order to make succeeding lessons for future. So at the end we the same as Atwood's participants must accept that life does not mean relaxation, but it must be full of hope, motivation and reformation.
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