Designing a New Behavioral Model of Blockchain Technology Acceptance in Public Banks
Subject Areas : Organizations
Saba Berenji
Maryam Rahmaty
Davood Kiakojouri
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Keywords: Blockchain Technology, Public Banks, Acceptance, Content Analysis, Organizational behavior,
Abstract :
The purpose of the study is to design a new behavioral model of blockchain technology acceptance in public banks through content analysis. Therefore, based on the theoretical literature and behavioral theories of technology acceptance, the primary conceptual model was presented. Then, by interviewing experts selected by snowball method, the relevant model was finalized. Theoretical validity and interpretive validity methods were used to measure the validity of interviews. To check the reliability of interviews, the test-retest reliability method has been used. The validity of the factors was checked through the Delphi technique and with fuzzy calculations. According to the results, four main factors of the behavioral model are: people, environment, organization, and technology. Totally 10 sub-factors and 36 indicators were identified. This model can contribute to public banks to understand how these various factors interact with each other and how they can be improved to achieve higher acceptance of blockchain technology.
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