Manuscript ID : TAA-2203-1097
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Page: 13 - 34
Article Type:
Original Research
Identification and Prioritization of Optimal Places for locating urban hospitals by Combining the F-ANP, F-WASPAS methods, and GIS output in the ArcGIS Environment: Case Study: Arak City
Subject Areas :
Applied Mathematics Modeling
Mahya Saghari
Mohammad Ehsanifar
Arezoo Babaei
1 - Master of Industrial Engineering- Islamic Azad University- Arak- Iran
2 - Department of Industrial Engineering, IAU Arak
3 - Doctorate of Business Administration- IMI- Markazi Province- Arak- Iran
Received: 2022-03-04
Accepted : 2021-12-13
Published : 2020-12-01
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