Designing and Analyzing an Elevated Atmospheric Tank: A Case Study
Subject Areas : Applied Mechanics
Farzad Cheraghpour Samavati
Behrooz Ebrahimi
1 - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pardis Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - 2- Intelligent Mechanical Systems Research Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pardis Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Design method, elevated atmospheric tank, standard codes, pressure vessel,
Abstract :
The pressure vessels design process is a modular approach which is always advised and encouraged to comply by related codes and regulations to conform to a more uniform methodology. Such processes, in order to maintain the individual contributions and innovations, need to be monitored and modified regularly. Documented case studies of different, unique approaches, in compliance of the current existing codes and in a more academic context is one of the monitoring methods which could be explored. In this paper, design and analysis of a uniquely shaped atmospheric tank, in compliance of two suggested codes of ASME VIII Div.1 and API 620, is investigated and by implementing the design procedure, comparing both codes’ criteria, a detailed and comprehensive approach is laid out for design engineers to explore the experimental code selection and design methodology for low pressure vessels applied by PV Elite software. A comparison of both intended codes was also carried out and applied for each step within the scope of the paper. The results demonstrated a more in-depth vision of both codes and their reliability through risk evaluation of design parameters.
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