A Cultural Analysis on Motifs of Tombstones of Golestan Province Cemeteries with Anthropology of Art Approach (Case study: Bandar-e-Gaz, Habibollah Imamzadeh Cemetery)
Subject Areas : Art
Fatemeh Raghimi
MohammadAli Khabari
Mohammad Aref
1 - Comparative and Analytical History of Islamic Art Group, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant professor of art research group, Jahad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Associate professor of theatre group, central Tehran branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Anthropology of Art, Culture, Habibollah Shrine, Motifs, Tombstones,
Abstract :
Among the truly prominent components of ritual arts, one can point to tombstones, whose engraved motifs reflect the locals’ ideology, culture, and worldview, providing a wide lens through which we can see the personality of the deceased and the social, economic, and cultural status of the related groups or nationalities. This article aims to analyze the motifs engraved on the tombstones of Habibollah Shrine (Bandar-e-Gaz, Golestan province) from a cultural point of view, considering that society is their creator. For this purpose, among the 10 cemeteries of Golestan province that were studied, the Habibollah Imamzadeh Cemetery in Bandar-e-Gaz was selected as a case study due to the number of gravestones and variety of motifs. This article tries to answer the following question: How can the semantic, aesthetic, and functional characteristics of these gravestone motifs be discovered through the Anthropology of Art approach based on findings on local culture? The research method is descriptive-analytical, with field observations and library studies conducted for data collection. Among the findings, one highlights the interpretation of three important dimensions of the motifs: semantic, aesthetic, and functional. Based on the cultural study, these motifs represent customs, beliefs, and various levels of society's culture.
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