The role of religious beliefs in the mental health of students according to how they spend their leisure time with an emphasis on sports activities
Subject Areas :
sedighe zare reshkoueiah
Zahra Sohrabi
1 - Islamic Azad University of Isfahan, Khorasgan branch
2 - Post Ph.D in Sport Management, Univerity of Mohaggeg Ardebili
Keywords: Religious beliefs, mental health, leisure time, students, sports activity.,
Abstract :
Objective: Students are one of the most sensitive sources of power and driving force in society, and paying attention to their physical and mental health is very important. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to investigate the role of religious beliefs in the mental health of students, considering how they spend their free time with an emphasis on sports activities. Methodology: The present research method was descriptive-correlation. The statistical population of the research was made up of students of public, Azad, and Payam Noor universities in Yazd city, and 283 people were randomly selected as a statistical sample. The research tools were two general health questionnaires by Goldberg (1972) and the religious-Brahani attitude scale (1353). Data were analyzed using Pearson's correlation coefficient to determine the degree of correlation between variables and simple linear regression to predict variables. Religious Attitude Gauge Questionnaire - Brahni: This test was developed by Golriz and Brahni (1353) and has 25 questions, the scoring of the questionnaire is based on a five-point Likert scale from 0 to 4. A score of 4 indicates high religious beliefs and a score of 0 indicates a person's lack of religious beliefs. The range of changes of the test scores varies from minimum zero to maximum 100. The validity of this test was obtained by correlation method with Allport, Vernon and Lindsay test, which is equal to 0.80. This questionnaire has been examined through the method of known groups and has shown that it differentiates well between two normal and religious groups. The subscales of the standard questionnaire of Brahni religious attitudes are belief dimension, experiential dimension or religious emotions, consequence dimension, promotion, Ritual dimension. In the current study, it was obtained based on Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.67. Goldberg General Health Questionnaire: This questionnaire has 28 questions and four subscales, each of which contains seven questions. These 4 subscales are: physical symptoms, symptoms of anxiety and sleep disorder, symptoms of social action and symptoms of depression. Several studies have been done on the validity of the public health questionnaire. In a study, Goldberg and Williams reported a semi-validity of 0.95 for this questionnaire. Results: The findings showed that religious beliefs can significantly predict the variable of mental health (25%) and sports activity in free time (16%) in students (p<0.01). Conclusion: Considering the results and the importance of students' mental health, it is suggested that universities implement programs to strengthen religious values and increase students' participation in leisure activities with the aim of improving mental health. Keywords: Religious beliefs, mental health, leisure time, students