Upgrading Existing CRU Heaters for Energy Saving by Adding Convection Section
Subject Areas : Mechanical Engineering
Abbas Behzadi
Aliakbar Abbasianarani
Ali Arefmanesh
1 - Esfahan Oil Refining Co.Esafahan PhD candidate, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Kashan, Kashan
2 - Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Kashan, Kashan
3 - Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Kashan, Kashan
Keywords: Adding Convection Section, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Efficiency Improvement, Upgrading of Existing Heaters ,
Abstract :
Industrial heaters play a pivotal role in various processes in industries and consume significant energy resources. Increasing the energy efficiency of these heaters is of great importance in the current energy-saving scenario. This study improves existing heaters by introducing an additional convective section, using the power of computational fluid dynamics to optimize heat transfer and improve overall efficiency. This paper presents a comprehensive study on upgrading existing heaters by incorporating an additional convection section, facilitated by a thermal and computational study. The main focus is on increasing the efficiency of conventional heaters by optimizing the heat transfer process through the newly added convection section. This paper describes the methodology used to analyze, model, and simulate the reinforced system, presents the results generated by CFD, and discusses the implications of the findings on the overall efficiency of the heaters. In this regard, to study and design the optimal mode of energy saving and complying with the conditions of optimal operational performance, various plans are examined and the best method is selected for heater optimization.
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