Design and simulation of membership fuzzy function generator circuit by assistance of low-power linguistic variables
Subject Areas : Electronic Integrated Circuits
Hamid Shahbazi
Mojdeh Mahdavi
Mahdi Zare
1 - Department of Electronics Shahr-e-Qods Branch. Islamic Azad University. Tehran.Iran
2 - Department of Electronics, Shahr-e-Qods Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran .
3 - Department of Electronics, Shahr-e-Qods Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Power function generating circuit, sub-threshold, Integrated circuits, Fuzzy controller,
Abstract :
In the present study, a low-power power function generator circuit is proposed for fuzzy applications. The proposed power function generator circuit consists of squaring, square root, and analog multiplier circuits. All the circuits are designed in the subthreshold region to achieve minimum power consumption. The proposed power generator module is based on a fuzzifier circuit, and the analog multiplier circuits are used to adjust the slopes of the fuzzy functions. Besides performing the mentioned adjustments, the proposed circuit can adjust the rising and falling slopes quite separately. Analog multipliers are used in the power generator part to generate desired powers continuously with minimum number of control inputs. The proposed structure is presented in 0.35 μm technology, and the simulation results show that at a supply voltage of 1.3 V, the values of power consumption and error are respectively equal to 0.0036 μw and 0.8%, indicating the improvement of the proposed structure in terms of error and power consumption compared to the best relevant structures in the literature.
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