Irony in Maroof Alrosafi’s Poem
Subject Areas : Literary criticism
Hamid Valizadeh
Ali Sayadani
Ali Khaleghi
1 - Assistant Prof, Tarbiat Madani Azarbaijan University
2 - Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Arabic Language, Tehran University
3 - PhD Candidate,Imam Khomeini International University,Qazvin
Keywords: المفارقة التصویریّة, الإیحائیّة, معروف الرصافی, التناقض, irony, implication, Maroof Alrosafi, contradiction,
Abstract :
Irony is an art used by contemporary poets for showing contradiction between two sides in which there is a sort of contradiction and it has been defined in the following ways: 1- the person says one thing and means to be vice versa and 2-sarcasm.Nevertheles; neither classical Arabic literary criticism nor rhetoric have focused on this. Irony is a technique completely different from paradox and contrast. Both are different from technical construction and use of implication. For this reason irony is used to show the contradiction amid two sides. This contradiction is extended to a degree to which it includes the whole ode. And the whole poem becomes a big irony. And it is divided to two inseparable parts: Verbal irony and situational irony, a vivid characteristic of which is contradiction between surface and deep meaning. And this irony in Maroof’s poem is clearly observable. This irony with its kinds are clearly stated when Maroof shows the political repression and kinds of colonialism in Iraq society. And Maroof has used this technique for stating his thoughts and emotions. Consequently, these activities lead to public enlightenment and encouragement of resistance against colonizers which are one of its most important outcomes. And this article tries to show the standpoint of irony and also to analyze it in Maroof’s poem, and the method employed is descriptive-analytical.
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