The Representation of Past and Present in Gamaa Edris' Poetry
Subject Areas : Literary criticism
1 - Assistant Prof., Ommol-Qara University,Mecca,Saudi
Keywords: الشعر السودانی, جماع, الماضی والحاضر, Sudanese poetry, Gamaa, the past and present,
Abstract :
The most important thing we are trying to accomplish is to identify the echo of the past and present in Gamaa poetry and its utility and testimony to him . And to what extent he is fully aware of the nature of philosophical or historical context in which that poetry was accomplished, or was it merely simulate and tradition. As a conclusion Gamaa tried as much as possible the formulation of the past in a manner consistent with his new experience of poetry. As he did not consumed the present in a haphazard way and that really his poetic experiment is not conducive to a strict philosophic or ideological vision, but at the same time it clearly indicate an obvious the poetic features and traits .
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