Discourse Analysis of Abul Ala Al-Ma'arri in "Risalat Al-sahel and Al-shahej"
Subject Areas : Literary criticism
1 - Assistant professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Kharazmi University, Karaj, Iran
Keywords: أبوالعلاء المعری, العصر العباسی, Abbasid era, Discourse Analysis, تحلیل الخطاب, رسالة الصاهل والشاحج, Abul Ala Al-ma'arri, "Al-sahel and Al-shahej",
Abstract :
"Risalat Al-sahel wa Al-shahej" is one of the prominent works of Abbasid era in form and content to which authors and critics have paid little attention. Abul Ala Al-ma'arri wrote it about 1020- 1021 addressing Aboushoja'a Fatak, known as Azizoddoleh, ruler of Halab from Fatimi's caliphate in which through conversation made between a horse called Sahel and a mule called Shahej he discusses literary, historical, political and social matters and provides much information about lexical, syntactical, prosodic puzzles and issues related to political relations between ruler of Halab and the Fatimi's family in the one hand and he and Roman emperor on the other hand and pictures people's condition following a crisis caused by political deals between Azizoddoleh (ruler of Halab) and Basil (Roman emperor).The Risalah investigated in this article to express role of power and technology in forming Abul Ala Al-ma'arri's discourse and language in the light of critical discourse analysis . This research shows that Abul Ala's discourse can be divided into 4 groups: literary discourse including his vast information about poetry, syntax and prosody; political discourse that pictures political relation between ruler of Halab and emperor of Rome; social discourse in which people's horror due to Rome's attack has been provided and finally advertising discourse between Romans and Muslims and also this point that political and cultural power has played a key role in forming Abul Ala's discourse and language.
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