The Effect of June Failure on the Structure of the “Soiree (Night Party) for the 5th Hazyran (June)” Play
Subject Areas : Literary criticismShahryar Niazi 1 , Azam Bigdeli 2
1 - Assistant Professor Of Arabic Language and Literature University of Tehran,Tehran, Iran.
2 - PhD Student of Arabic Language and Literature University of Tehran,Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: المسرحیة, النکسة, سعدالله ونوس, حفلة سمر من أجل 5 حزیران, البنیة المسرحیة, Sadollah Venus, Script (play), Soiree for the 5th Hazyran, structure of script,
Abstract :
Failure (defeat) has a very clear effect in the Arab’s drama history. After Hazyran, scriptwriters and playwrights tried to use the subject of failure in their works and also they tried to stem it and analyzed the causes and consequences of it for the community. Therefore, they sought after new styles and new dramatic approaches to portray overwhelming disaster in 1967. The failure in the 5th Hazyran (June) as an important historical event, shakes Venus deeply from inside. He decided to find a new structure for drawing this vicissitudinous course (period). His activities and measures for application of the proper structure of plays and script are useful and valuable and for this wondrous event presented a new form and structure. Meanwhile, he took advantage from new theatrical forms and approaches in the world and its achievements and result. The structure that Venus presented in the “soiree for the 5th Hazyran” script is a new chapter in the drama history of Syria.
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