Narrative and Language in San-Allah-Ebrahim's Altalasos
Subject Areas : Literary criticismAli Ganjian 1 , Zahra Pak Nahad 2
1 - Assistant Prof. Allameh Tabatabaee University
2 - Post-Graduate, Arbic Literature, Islamic Azad
University, Karaj Branch
Keywords: صنع الله إبراهیم, روایة التلصص, السرد واللغة, artistic style, narrative techniques, language and dialogue,
Abstract :
Novel is deemed as one of the highly elevated literary genres with a unique rank in Arabic Literature which deals with realities of the present time depicting the real essence of life as portrayed in Ebrahim's novel Altalasos .Ibrahim portrays the social milieu of Egypt in 1948 in his novel, challenging some contemporary issues of his day. Narration and language are among the most significant artistic devices which act as the unifying elements in any great work. This paper deals with the narrative aspect of the novel. Relying on a child's narrative point of view and his connection with the environment and external characters the author pays attention to details with a unique investigation of language.
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