The Artistic Features of the Poetry of Ibin Nobatah
Subject Areas : Literary criticismHamed Sedghi 1 , Rahmatollah Haydari Manesh 2
1 - Professor, Dept. of Arabic Language & Literature, Tarbiat Moallem University
2 - M.A. of Arabic Language & Literature, Tarbiat Moallem University
Keywords: الأسلوب, التراکیب, compositions, style, الشکوی, الخصائص الفنّیة, المعجم الشعری, المعجم الإیقاعی, ابن نباتة, Ibin Nobatah, complaints, artistic and technical features, poetic diction, rhythmic diction,
Abstract :
The Egyptian poet, Ibin Nobatah is one of the most renowned poets of Mamluki era who, we may say, has complained about different issues in his poetry much more than his contemporary poets. In these complaining poems he has considered issues like life and death, separation and poverty, old age and common maladies in the world surrounding him. But the present article emphasizes the poet’s attention for the artistic features which have paved the way for him to express his complaints and express a better articulation for his private pains. The important features can be pointed as the poet’s use of words, compositions and styles and a combination of rhythmic diction compatible with his complaint and the depressing atmosphere surrounding him.
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