Expression of Nasrullah's thoughts between narrative styles in the novel "The Second War of the Dog" (Aesthetic Review)
Subject Areas : Literary criticism
Ahmad Arefi
Faramarz Mirzaee
Isa Mottaghizadeh
1 - PhD in Arabic Language and Literature, Allamah Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Expression Styles, Palestinian Novel, aesthetics, The Novel ", Ebrahim Nasrollah, The Second Dog War, thoughts,
Abstract :
Indeed, the purpose of Ibrahim Nasrallah's thoughts in the novel "The Second Dog War" is to express the facts of the life of the Palestinian nation, which the novelist mentions in each style in a specific way. So how many of these styles have gone beyond their original meanings to acquire virtual meanings because of the beauty of the text and the stimulation of the audience's emotions, which Ibrahim Nasrallah has often done to a great extent.In this article, an attempt has been made to reveal the novelist's ideas using a descriptive-analytical method based on statistical style until To respond to the appropriateness of these styles and the three levels of language, including storytelling, description and dialogue, and the most important aesthetics of these styles in conveying meaning to the audience. The most important conclusion of the article is that the novelist has used From most syntactic styles 3406 times , so that the style of negation 1759 times: 52%, then the style of question 812times: 24%, Then the bet style 328: 10%, etc, referring to the view of pessimism prevailing over the oppressed Palestinian regimes, Because in the novel there are corrupt opportunistic characters who do negative things, especially The hero of the novel Rashed Opportunist who does everything just for the sake of his own nature, which is so full of evils that trade with human beings is a Repetitive events are far from moral and human values.
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