Obayd's humors and their funniness based on Freud release theory
Subject Areas : Literary criticism
1 - Associate professor at Soran University, Kurdistan, Iraq
Keywords: surprise technique, Freud, release of energy, Obayd, defects humors, prohibited humors,
Abstract :
We can classify all different topics of Obayd humors in two types: topics on prohibited matters and topics on defected ones. The former are topics we are not allowed to talk of and to approach them. They are sextual taboos, religious taboos or legal and political prohibitions including sextual, religious and political humors. The second type are topics on defects including external and physical defects, or internal, moral and behavioral as well as topics on personality, or mental defects. Humors of bodily defects, cultural and moral humors, and humors of stupidity and ignorance are within this classification. This research by presenting types of Obayd humors, seeks to find why they are funny. The first type of Obay humors maches to the first Freudian category, i.e., humors that are funny because they release repressed emotions. The second type matches to the second Freudian category, i.e., awkward imitation of natural and conventional movements and laws that lead to smile because they release thinking energy. The third Freudian category has no specific topic and relates to one of the Obayd's humor techniques, i.e., surprise technique. Every humor, no matter what is its topic, can make smile, if it uses surprise technique, because it puts the mind on the threshold of release contrast between two different senses.
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