The role of the relationship between cohesion and social trust on the resilience of social workers in times of crisis
Subject Areas :
Farzaneh Yaghoob
Sttar Parvin
Hosein Hosein
1 - PhD Student of Sociology of groups, Sociological Department, Social Sciences
Faculty, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Social Work, Faculty of Social Sciences, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Associate Professor & Faculty Member, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social
Sciences, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran
Keywords: اعتماد اجتماعی, انسجام اجتماعی, تابآوری, resilience, Social trust, social cohesion, مددکاران اجتماعی, social workers,
Abstract :
Due to its professional nature, social worker’s job is exhausting, has more stressand challenges, so it affects their quality of life. It is important to maintain andimprove their resilience by community managers. The purpose of research was "therole of cohesion and social trust on resilience of social workers in times of crisis".The research method in terms of practical purpose, descriptive collection of surveytype and statistical population of research includes all social workers in Ahwaz’shospitals, Mazandaran, Kermanshah, Lorestan, Tehran, Kerman and Tabriz, in totalpublic and private hospitals, ( ) hospitals in each city was selected andresearch was conducted on selected hospitals in cities. And sampling method wasstratified and random, simple cluster, and sample size was chosen from Krejci andMorgan’s table or from Cochran's test, which included social workers. In thisresearch, two standard questionnaires are used as data collection tools, first isConnor and Davidson Resilience Questionnaire (CD-RISC), whose validity,reliability have been measured in other researches, and second is social capitalquestionnaire. The research analysis showed the correlation coefficient of socialtrust is and significance level is , and correlation coefficient of socialcohesion and significance level of test in whole sample is andConsidering positive value of correlation coefficient, it can be said there is apositive correlation between two variables of cohesion and social trust withresilience of social worker. The average of social capital variable, the highest levelof social capital was related to Tehran and the lowest level of social capital wasrelated to Tabriz city. The mean of resilience variable, the highest level of resiliencewas related to the city of Kerman and the lowest level of resilience was related to Ahvaz.