The range of codes and symbols of happiness and hope in Mawlana's sonnets
Subject Areas : Social (with literary and artistic features)
Parvindokht Rezaei Majdabadi
Hosein Parsaei
Reza Forsati Joybari
1 - PhD student, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Qaimshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qaimshahr, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Qaimshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qaimshahr, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Qaimshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qaimshahr, Iran.
Keywords: Mawlana's lyric poems, codes, spectrum, happiness and hope, signs, symbol,
Abstract :
The symbols of happiness and hope as two interconnected signs that always affect the form and meaning of human life and character, have been a subject of reflection in all human cultures. Rumi is a happy and hopeful human being according to what can be obtained from his works, especially the sonnets of Shams. In this article, the two signs of happiness and hope, not only as signs that indicate conventional and personal meanings; Rather, it serves as the center of a spectrum of various symptoms that are somehow associated with happiness and are considered to be the factors that cause it. The main issue of this article is to show the range and semantic spectra of happiness and hope. This issue has been formed according to the assumption that the abundance of dancing weights and the turbulent tone and joy of love in Rumi's sonnets probably expresses a meaning beyond what is received from the two signs of joy and hope. Thus, it is necessary to represent these spectrums and the semantic auras that result from them, and the "purpose" of the authors is to represent the breadth of thought and the depth of Rumi's emotion in this regard. The data of the research, which have been analyzed and described by a qualitative method, show that Rumi has maintained his happy spirit in almost all moments of life and in every mental condition and in every encounter with environmental phenomena, and has not left a circle of despair. Sit on the face of his life.
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