An Ontological Approach to Jacques Derrida’s Reading of Rum Surah: Benefited from Ayatollah Javdi Amuli’s Persian Exegesis
Subject Areas : Persian language and literature texts
Maryam Sultanbeyad
Rouhieh Naziripour
Muhammad Hassan Borhanifiar
1 - Associate Professor, Department of English, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
2 - PhD Student, Department of English, Pardis University, Tehran, Iran .
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran
Keywords: prophet, Javadi Amuli, Derrida, The Qur’an, Deconstruction, ontological reading,
Abstract :
To present a democratic reading of The Qur’an, Derrida introduces it as a book of hospitality and unconditional forgiveness. However, he considers The Prophet (PBUH) an exemption from this rule of hospitality. His reading of The Qur’an has not yet been examined by the scholars. The aim of this study is to investigate the reason for Derrida’s reading of The Qur'an and its separation from The Prophet (PBUH). In this descriptive-analytical- comparative method, the concepts considered by Derrida in the text of The Qur'an are examined and the epistemological status of The Prophet is analyzed on the base of the text itself. In this regard, "ontological" reading of the text of The Qur'an is used, which considers the text independent of the reader and writer. This reading is comparable to Derrida’s “deconstructive” reading since deconstruction emerged from ontological approach. This approach is similar to Allameh Tabatabai’s “Quran to Qur’an” approach which is suitable for Qur’anic studies. To avoid reducing the text of The holy Qur’an to a literary text the findings of the study in compared with the learned exegesis of Ayatollah Javadi Amuli. The findings of this study demonstrates that Derrida has ignored evidences in the text contradicting his reading, and as a result he has found the actions of The Prophet (PBUH) contrary to The Qur’an.
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جوادی آملی، عبدالله (1386) تسنیم: تفسیر قرآن کریم، جلد 1، قم: اسراء.
جوادی آملی، عبدالله (1379 ) تفسیر موضوعی قرآن کریم: صورت و سیرت انسان در قرآن، قم: اسراء.
جوادی آملی، عبدالله (1382) تفسیر موضوعی قرآن کریم: معاد در قرآن، قم: اسراء.
سبحانی، جعفر (1390) فروغ ابدیت تجزیه و تحلیل کاملی از زندگی پیامبر اکرم، قم: بوستان کتاب.
شیمل، آنه ماری (1385) محمد رسول خدا، ترجمۀ حسن لاهوتی، تهران: انتشارات علمی و فرهنگی.
ریگی، محمد بندر (1361) فرهنگ جدید عربی_فارسی ترجمه مُنجد الطُلّاب، تهران: انتشارات اسلامی.
حجتی، محمد باقر (1387) پژوهشی در تاریخ قرآن کریم، تهران: دفتر نشر فرهنگ اسلامی.
رادمنش، سید محمد (1370) آشنایی با علوم قرآن، بیجا: دیبا.
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وب سایتها
قرآن کریم
تقسیمات قرآن – دانشنامۀ اسلامی
جوادی آملی، عبدالله (تفسیر سوره روم(
جوادی آملی، عبدالله (07/12/1395
جوادی آملی، عبدالله (
جوادی آملی، عبدالله (عبدالله جوادی آملی – دانشنامۀ اسلامی) .( )
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