Investigating the quantitative characteristics of eastern beech in relation to topographic factors in forests of Asalem Nav
Subject Areas : botany
Alireza Eslami
Fatemeh Badr
1 - Associate Professor, Department of Horticulture, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran
2 - MSc. Department of Forestry, Guilan University, Rasht, Iran.
Keywords: quantitative characteristics, beech stands, Nav Asalem, Topography,
Abstract :
Background: The fagus orientalis lipesky species includes around one-third of width and correspondingly, the standing volume in the mixed and partly pure stands of northern forests of Iran.. Present research has been carried out to investigate the effects of topographic factors on quantitative characteristics of oriental beech species in Nav Asalem forestry plan.Methods: According to purpose of the research, breast height diameter and height of the oriental beech trees were measured in three altitude levels (800 to 1650 m), five slope classes (0 to 50) and four main geographical classes and recorded on the corresponding forms.Results: The results of one-way variance analysis test showed that two factors of slope and the sea-level altitude had significant effects on quantitative characteristics of oriental beech species wherein Dunkan’s test was used to compare the means and eventually, the results showed that the lowest and highest rates of quantitative characteristics existed respectively in heights of 1300-1440m and 1440-1650m. Also, studying the slope, the highest diameter, cross-section and height of the beech trees were obtained in a slope of 40-50 percents.Conclusion: Thus, due to the nature and ecological characteristics of oriental beech and since the best habitats for the trees of this species to have the greatest diameter and height are the upstream and sloping regions, the results of this research show that Nav Asalem forest habitat is one of the best habitats of the target species.
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Badr F. Autecology of cypress trees, case study: Seidan’s forest reservoir, Roudbar. Master's thesis. Faculty of Natural Resources of Guilan University, 2015:128. [In Persian]
Coomes AD & Allen BR. Mortality and tree-size distributions in natural mixed-age forests. Journal of Ecology. 2007; 95: 27-40.
Daneshvar A, Rahmani R & Habashi H. Effect of Light competition on crown expansion in a mixed multi storied forests. Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources of GorganUniversity. 2008;14(1): 39-48. [In Persian]
Ebadi A, Paiam H, Falah Chai MM & Omidvar A. Autecology of Yew (Taxusbaccata L.) in the Foresats of Arasbaran (Case study: Ilgone Chai area). Journal of Life Sciences of Lahijan Unit. 2009: 3(2): 47-59. [In Persian]
El Mahi SA. Juniper island and plant diversity, A case study with remote sensing and GIS in Karaj-Iran. Master Thesis. International institute for geo-information science and earth observation eschewed the Netherlands, 2003:90.
Eslami A, Sagheb-Talebi Kh & Namiranian M. Determining of equilibrium state in uneven-aged oriental beech forests of Northern-Iran. Iranin Journal of Forest and Polar research. 2007; 15(2): 92-104. [In Persian]
Golzade L. Investigation of some habitat characteristics of Juniperus excelsa species in natural forests of Shahroud Supreme. Master's thesis. Faculty of Natural Resources of Guilan University, 2011: 109. [In Persian]
Hamzehpour M & Bordbar Sk. Investigating some quantitative and qualitative characteristics of wild-pear bristle type in the Sepidan area. Journal of Research and Development. 2002; 15(4): 41-47. [In Persian]
Hassanzadnavroodi I. An Investingation of Effect odSlipe and Altitude on the Extent of Growing Stock of Natural Beech (Fagusorientalis) in Asalem. PhD. dissertation. Faculty of Natural Resources of Tehran University, 2000:98. [In Persian]
Johnson DD & Miller RF. Structure and development of expanding western juniper woodlands as influenced by two topographic variables. Forest Ecology and Management. 2006; 229:7-15.
KabiriKoupaei K, Marvie Mohadjer MR, Zahedi Amiri Gh, Namiranian N & Etemad V. A comparison on the quantitative and qualitative morphological characteristics of beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) in a pure and mixed stand (Gorazbon district, North of Iran). Iranian Journal of Forest and Poplar Research. 2009; 17(3): 422-435. [In Persian]
Lexerod LN & Eid T. An evaluation of different diameter diversity indices based on criteria related to forest management planning. Forest Ecology and Management. 2006; 222: 17-28.
Marvie Mohadjer MR & Moradi M. Morphological and quantitative characteristics of mature beech trees (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) in two regions of Sistan in Guilan and Kheiroud in Mazandaran. Iranian Journal of Forest and Poplar Research. 2011; 19(3): 300-311. [In Persian]
MarviMohajer MR. Silviculture and forestry. Tehran: Tehran University Press, 2011: 387. [In Persian]
Mohammadalizadeh Kh, Zobeiri M, Namiranian M, Hoorfar A & Marvie Mohajer MR. Fitting of diameter distribution using some statistical models (distributions) (Case study: Khyroudkenar forest, Noshahr). Iranian Journal of Forest and Poplar Research. 2009; 17(1): 116-124. [In Persian]
Momeni Moghaddam T, Sagheb-Talebi K, Akbarinia M, Akhavan R & Hosseini SM. Impact of some physiographic and edaphic factors on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of Juniperforest (Case study: Layen region-Khorasan). Iranian Journal of Forest. 2012; 492:143-156. [In Persian]
Mossadegh A. Silviculture. Tehran: Tehran University press, 1998:48.
Podlaski R. Relationship between crown characteristics and the radial increment of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) in Świętokrzyski National Park (Poland). Forest Science. 2002; 48(3): 93-99.
Radkarimi M, Navroudi IH, Salehi A, Saiady A & Zarkami R. Qualitative and quantitative study of the natural forests of Acer insigne in Isalem. In: Third International Conference on Climate Change and Tree Chronology, Sari, Iran, 2012: 100-110. [In Persian]
Rasaei A, Jalilvand H, Heidari A, Heidari M, Amini S, Fallahi A & Hosseini SA. Effect of physiography on Quantity characterof Northern Zagros Forest (Case study: Marivan). In: Third International Conference on Climate Change and Tree Chronology, Sari, Iran, 2012: 1-8. [In Persian]
Rasane YA & Moshtagh Kahnamuee MH. Quantitative and qualitative study of the northern forests of the country. Proceedings of the National Conference on the Management of Northern Forests and Sustainable Development of the first volume of the forests and rangelands of the country, Iran, 2001: 56-81. [In Persian]
Salarian A, Mataji A & Iranmanesh Y. Investigation on site demand of Almond (AmygdalusscopariaSpach.) in Zagros Forests (Case study: Karebas site of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province). Iranin Journal of Forest and Polar research. 2008; 16(4): 528-542. [In Persian]
Sefidi K, EsfandiaryDarabad F & Azaryan M. Effect of topography on tree species composition and volume of coarse woody debris in an Oriental beech (Fagus orientalisLipsky) old growth forests, northern Iran. I Forest Biogeosciences and Forestry. 2017; 9(2): 658-665.
Small ChJ & McCarthy BC. Relationship of understory diversity to soil nitrogen, topographic variation, and stand age in an eastern oak forest. USA Forest Ecology and Management. 2005; 217(2): 229-243.