Designing a model for promotion of ethical leadership in the Management of the headquarters of the Ministry of Education
Subject Areas :
Alireza Soltanifard
Amir Hosein Mohammad Davodi
Nader Gholi Ghorchian
1 - PhD student in the field of educational management, Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Corresponding author, Associate Professor, Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Humanities, Saveh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Saveh, Iran. and Visiting Professor of Sciences and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Full Professor and Director of the Doctoral Department of Educational Management and Higher Education, Faculty of Management and Economics, Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Ethics, education, promotion of ethical leadership, Leadership,
Abstract :
Purpose: This research was conducted with the aim of providing a model for promoting ethical leadership in the management of the Ministry of Education. Method: The purpose of this research is development-applied type of mixed studies (qualitative-quantitative) in which thematic analysis method was used in the qualitative part to identify the dimensions, components and factors, and in the quantitative part descriptive -survey method was used. The statistical population in the qualitative section included university faculty members in the fields of educational management, as well as senior managers in the Ministry of Education, which reached theoretical saturation with 14 interviews. In the quantitative section, 202 general managers and assistants at the staff level of the Ministry of Education were selected as a sample using Cochran's formula. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by the CVR method. Cronbach's alpha with a coefficient of 0.802 shows the high reliability of this questionnaire. Findings: In the qualitative part 5 dimensions, 31 components as well as 9 factors and 43 sub-factors were identified, descriptive-survey method was used in the quantitative part. According to the results of the research model, it showed that among the dimensions of ethical behavior with a coefficient of 0.95, and among the factors, the separation of management from political actions has the highest importance and priority in promoting ethical leadership. Also, the validation of the model was evaluated through internal and external validity. Conclusion: Staff management in the Ministry of Education can better implement the guidelines of the Fundamental Transformation of Education document through the use of ethical leadership components.
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