Common Egyptian Allusions from Terms' Pragmatism Aspect
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature Studies
Askar Babazadeh Aqdam
Hossein Taktabar Firouzjaei
gYasra Shademan
1 - Assistant Professor, Arabic Language & Literature, Quranic Studies University, Islamic Republic of Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Arabic Language & Literature, Qom University
3 - Assistant Professor, Arabic Language & Literature, Al Zahra University, Islamic Republic of Iran
Keywords: تداولیة اللغة, السیاق اللغوی, السیاق غیر اللغوی, الأدب العامی, Terms' pragmatism, Verbal text, Non – verbal text, Common literature,
Abstract :
Terms' pragmatic aspect is one of the language theories which shows the context's effect on content. By context it means the outside format of terms system which divides into verbal and non-verbal parts. Allusion expresses special view point in which research and analysis is possible by terms' realism; the theory which studies verbal fields out of terms' system and attempts to understand the term's method and application. The present paper studies common Egyptian allusions with analytical – descriptive method. The results show that allusion would be analyzed according to its type and in the non-verbal format. Uwais's theory which knows verbal text as a non-verbal feature of a text is ignored. One of unique features of Egyptian allusions is their simplicity and effectiveness.
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