Aesthetics of Calling Ancestral Characters in Ali Foudeh's Odes
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature StudiesFatemeh Jamshidi 1 , Hossein Kiani 2
1 - PhD Candidate, Arabic Language & Literature, Yazd University
2 - ciate Professor, Arabic Language & Literature, Shiraz University
Keywords: التراث, الشعر الفلسطینی, Palestinian poetry, heritage, الاستدعاء, علی فودة الشخصیّات الدینیة, الشخصیّات الأسطوریة, call for, Ali Foudeh, religious characters, mythical characters,
Abstract :
The present article intends to study and analyze the ancestral characters in Ali Foudeh's – Palestinian contemporary poet – odes. Thus it considers the experience relationship of these characters with Ali Foudeh's spiritual, social and political experiences. According to the results of the research, Ali Foudeh has been affected by some ancestral characters or religious characters such as Moses and Bilal ibn Rabah, mythical characters such as Cleopatra and Sinbad and literary characters such as Saalik and Urwah and tried to call for them in his odes to not only express his effective political and social experiences but also adds to the effectiveness of his odes. The results have come in analytical method out of some literal, political, psychological and social sources.
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