Reflection of Folk Culture in the Prose Works of Persian Literature
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature StudiesMaryam Jafari 1 , Arash Moshfeqi 2 , Aziz Hajaji Kahjouq 3
1 - PhD Candidate, Persian Language & Literature, Islamic Azad University, Bonab Branch
2 - Assistant Professor, Persian Language & Literature, Islamic Azad University, Bonab Branch
3 - Assistant Professor, Persian Language & Literature, Islamic Azad University, Bonab Branch
Keywords: beliefs, popular culture, Oral Literature, Popular literature,
Abstract :
Iranian folk culture has specified a great part of our literature among different Iranian ethnic groups and has gained a high place in the vast Iranian literature. Iranian folklore has not yet been widely developed, but folk beliefs, feelings, and ideas have been passed down from generation to generation and heart to heart without verbal or spiritual complexity and most of the mentioned beliefs are remained in oral form without logical reasoning. Popular culture refers to a group of rituals, beliefs, customs, legends, stories, proverbs, songs, and famous poems. All proverbs, traditional medicine, stories, celebrations, feasts and various rituals among the various ethnic groups form the folk culture of each ethnic group and add to its richness day by day. The purpose of this article is to reflect the folk culture in the prose works of Persian literature according to the travelogues of the Qajar era. The results of the research show that proverbs, beliefs and folk tales, traditional medicine, games, celebrations and feasts, local customs and traditions are among the subsets of folk culture that are in the literary prose works of Persian literature and the authors have applied them to create themes and illustrations.
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