A study in the effectiveness of argument patterns in the mirror of Samih al-Qasim's poetry
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature Studies
ayat shokati
ali sayadani
ali khaleghi
Jafar Amshasfand
1 - Department of Persian language and literature. Khoy branch Islamic azad
university. Khoy
2 - أستاذ مشارک في قسم اللغة العربیة و آدابها، جامعة الشهید مدني بأذربیجان، تبریز، ایران.
3 - Graduate or arabic and literature. Imam khomeini international university. Qazvin. Iran
4 - Teacher of Arab Language and Literature, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University
Keywords: poetry, styles, Al-Fustin, Samih Al-Qasim, Al-Hajjaj,
Abstract :
A study in the effectiveness of argument patterns in the mirror of Samih al-Qasim's poetryThe social use of speech highlights the pilgrims as a distinctive feature, so every argument presupposes a counter-argument, and there is absolutely no pilgrims without counter-arguments, given that the truth, when revealed in the context of human and social relations, is difficult to comprehend and becomes a subject of dispute and controversy in the absence of material and objective arguments. The field of pilgrims, then, is not the truthful and necessary, which distinguishes it from the proof - but rather the potential. That is why Gilles Declercq says that the pilgrims, while taking human and social relations as their field, emerge as a linguistic and intellectual tool that allows decision-making in a field dominated by conflict and dominated by argument. Samih al-Qasim is one of the most important and famous contemporary Arab and Palestinian poets whose name is associated with the poetry of revolution and resistance. The subject of our research, as indicated by its title, is a study of the pilgrims in the poetry of Samih Al-Qasim, and by studying here we mean looking at the sum of the techniques that the poet adopts to invoke an opinion or refute an idea, trying to convince the reader of what he simplifies or make him acquiesce in what he presents. This will inevitably lead us to study the structure of pilgrims on the one hand, and its methods on the other hand.
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