Role of Worship in Culture of Life and Human Excellence from Quran and Traditions Viewpoint
Subject Areas : Quarterly Sabzevaran Fadak
1 - Post Graduate, Kharazmi University.
Keywords: اخلاق, کمال گرایی, perfectionism, Ethics, servant, Humanity, عبد, نقش عبودیت, انسانیت,
Abstract :
Worship and servitude are among the most central teachings of the Qur'an and Islam. Worship has a special place because it focuses on the purpose of human creation. Human life revolves around this fact according to God's command in the Qur'an: “I did not create the jinn and the humans except that they may worship Me” it seems the word "slavery" means "servitude", "possessions" and the like. It is spiritual worship that gives life to deeds, and is the main gateway to cultural guidance in such a way that each subconscious individual influences his community and brings the behavior of each individual to the ideal community. In this article, we first try to examine the meaning of worship and culture and then its effect on perfection. In some cases, narrations have been provided to complete the discussion. Among the roles it has on the individual and society are spiritual mastery – individual and social perfection – the end of goodness and martyrdom, and so on. One of the cases in which servitude plays a role is self-sacrifice, which is understood in relation to others, so servitude has also been examined in the social sector.
قرآن کریم.
نهج البلاغه. ترجمه مرحوم دشتی.
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