A Survey on Semantic implication of Quran Terms and their manifestation in Affected Prays
Subject Areas : Quarterly Sabzevaran FadakMohsen Abdollahi 1 , Mohammad Hossein Saeni 2
1 - Faculty of Theology & Islamic Education, Quran & Hadith Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan Branch
2 - Faculty of Theology & Islamic Education, Quran & Hadith Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan Branch
Keywords: قرآن, ترادف, نظم, Households, Quran, verse, عترت, اعجاز بیانی, conveying miracle, synonym,
Abstract :
Quran's expressing method, its phrasings and paraphrasing in new version is the most significant miracle of Quran according to many literature and science scholars. Also the characteristic of selected words is in a way that words movement or changing them is not possible. Regarding semantic synonyms, not only each term finds its own position by semantic combination of other terms but also by the terms before or after it; in other words any synonym can't be replaced by another. There is no complete synonym in Quran's terms; the ones who emphasize synonym, in fact emphasize common meanings of terms and neglect the special meaning of each term. On the other hand and based on Thaqalayn Hadith, there is an inseparable relationship between Quran and Prophet's Households. The author of the present paper intends to study Quran's expressing manifestations in prays and some terms such as Praise, Grace, Fear and Humility.
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