Re-reading the hypothesis of proof with the hypothesis of the evolution of types and its relation with the approach of Holy Quran
Subject Areas : Quarterly Sabzevaran Fadak
1 - Assistant Professor at Al-Mustafa University
Keywords: انسان, قرآن, human, Criticism, نقد, Quran, داروین, تکامل انواع, Darwin, Evolution of types,
Abstract :
Explaining the relationship between science and religion has a particular importance to many thinkers; Although many of the controversies involve only Christianity, some of the scientific achievements have challenged the common beliefs of other religions. Like Darwin's claims about the creation of man who considers his origin not in the soil but in the humanoid animal, and almost interprets the process of creation in a completely different way, it can be considered a challenge to the heavenly religions. Unfortunately, so far, no comprehensive research has been conducted on the Qur'an's view of how living beings were created; To find out whether the Qur'an considers creation as repulsion or gradual and evolutionary? In this article, as appropriate, the hypothesis of the evolution of types and critique of the principles and conflicts between science and religion, which is thought to be Darwin's hypothesis and his followers, and the proposed solution to resolve the conflict based on the view of experts are discussed. The issue of conflict between science and religion with the emergence of Darwinism took different forms in which scholars have various reflections in it; in the meantime, the claim of this article is that the proof or non-proof of it cannot be attributed to the Qur'an with certainty.
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