A comparative study of form and content in the novel "Night Harmony of the Wood Orchestra" by Reza Ghasemi and the novel "The Stranger" by Albert Camus
Subject Areas : شعر
1 - Assistant professor and faculty member of Foreign Languages Department, Faculty of Literature and Humanities of Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran.
Keywords: form, content, nocturnal harmony of wood orchestra, the stranger, comparative study,
Abstract :
The plot and its components, point of view, characterization and staging are the most important elements of the story. In this descriptive-analytical study, two novels "The Stranger" written by Albert Camus and "The Night Harmony of the Wood Orchestra" by Reza Ghasemi have been compared in terms of form and content. The plot, focus of the narrative and point of view, the character and characterization, the setting (time and place), are the components that have been analyzed and explained from the perspective of the narrative form in the two mentioned works of literature. The results suggest that the two works analyzed in these components have differences. In the novel The Stranger, time passes linearly and forms the plot; While in the novel The Night Harmony of the Wood Orchestra, the time is fluid and constantly changes as the story progresses. Furthermore, the themes in these two novels are similar and emptiness, death thinking, nostalgia and revolve around anonymity are among the most important common themes in these two novels.