Reflection on the Lyric poems of Fadavi Toughan and Fatemeh Rakeai. (The brightness of bitter or sweet aspects of life in the subtly of the soonet).
Subject Areas : شعر
Ali Salimi
maryam rahmati torkashvand
Mahin Shifteh
1 - Razi university
2 - razi university
3 - Razi university
Keywords: Fatemeh Rakeai, Fadva Toughan, comparative literature,
Abstract :
One of the literature phenomena during the last two centuries is of the connection between poem, specially sonnet and whole dimensions of life. Then Constitutionalism now, the Sonnet moved from love circle and its biography at the same times of Persian literature as well as Arabic one together so that it endowed softness and subtly towards political and social problems. This approach gets the border between Sonnet and non-Sonnet to be disturbed and then the political sonnet resulted from that. This is clear example. In this article, we study the lyrical poems of two poets namely “Fadavi Toughan and Fatemeh Rakeai” in this way. It is done by analytical-comparative method. As a result, it is noticed that love coming up with the struggle and sustainability is the basic theme of the political and social lyric genres of these two poets. They expanded love circle to the political and social range of their society within the poems. Their common poetic properties are of simplicity, fluency, intimidate, and subtly womanish feeling. They have composed poetries in both traditional and modern forms. They were witness closely the war events and its surpassions so that they’ve Contemporary Sonnet combined life hardships with Sonnet subtly. The imaginations of resistance by people against alliances, Praise of leaders and militant personalities, invitation to awakening, praise of martyrdom and martyrs and patriotism can be seen the whole parts of their sonnets and this fascinates everyone’s soul and heart.
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