Design and organize a conservation- tourism in fringe gardens, (Case study: Sarab Qanbar Kermanshah)
Subject Areas : Water and EnvironmentSajjad Shamshiri 1 , Hassan Darabi 2
1 - Instructor of Department of Horticulture and Landscape of Seyd Jamaledin Asad Abadi University,
Hamedan, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor from Environment Faculty, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Landscape Ecology, garden, land use change, Marginal areas, Environmental designe, Ecological designe,
Abstract :
Most of Iranian cities are located beside productive lands which are proper for gardening andagricultural activities. Therefore, there exist many gardens and farmlands in marginal areas.Development of cities has decreased the rural quality of these lands. Obviously, under thesecircumstances we must take a more sensitive responsibility for the value of marginal areas. On theother hand, with the increase in population of cities like Kermanshah and in the resident’s demand forgreen and open spaces for spending leisure times and making social interactions, the need fordeveloping new spaces proper for spending leisure times in marginal areas is strongly felt in the city.The role that gardens and farmlands have in respect of recreation and aesthetic might prevent the actsof construction in these areas. In this study, by applying landscape ecology for establishing newactivities and practices, we firstly evaluate the existing condition of gardens in Sarab-e-Ghanbar. Thenthe region is zonation visually. Identification of these zone is made to implement practical solutionsfor improving total condition of the region as well as to determine features, potentials and issuesrelated to each zone. Finally, with developing aims for design and organize, these studies are made inthe form of a strategic plan.
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