A Review of Various Suitable Methods of Dry Anaerobic Digestion for Agricultural Wastes Disposal in Iran
Subject Areas : Waste Management
Laleh Ghafghazi
Lobat Taghavi
1 - PhD Candidate, Department of Environmental Science and Forest, Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Forest, Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran. *(Corresponding Auther)
Keywords: Agricultural Waste, Biogas, Dry Anaerobic Digestion, Batch Anaerobic Digestion, Continuous Anaerobic Digestion.,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Dry anaerobic digestion is a cost-effective method to purify and recover agricultural waste. Agricultural production statistics (over 128 million tonnes in 2019-2020) and its consequent high waste production (38 million tonnes per year) indicate the need for optimal disposal of this biomass. The purpose of article is identification and compare dry anaerobic digesters for optimal management of agricultural waste disposal in Iran. Material and Methodology: This article is the result of several internal and foreign online sources: Google Scholar, Science Direct, Research Gate, and publishers Elsevier, Springer, Frontiers, and Civilica with the keywords of agricultural waste, biogas, and dry anaerobic digestion. Findings: The results of the study show that good performance, low-cost energy, and maintenance are the benefits of mesophilic temperature conditions in dry anaerobic plants. Hydraulic retention times varied from 20 to 35 days, with mean total solids above 15% and mean methane percent at 55%. Batch digesters are a relatively simple and acceptable technology for disposal of agricultural waste but sustainability of biogas supply can be easier with continuous reactors, despite the high need for maintenance and management. Disscusion and Conclusion: This technology, for its efficiency and flexibility, is essential for the high utilization of agricultural waste, and sustainable development of biogas. Appropriate technology to increase biogas productivity is suggested, by considering geographical features, production tonnage, and characteristics of agricultural waste. The batch anaerobic process in provinces of Iran that have smaller-scale agricultural activities is more effective than continuous digestion.
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