Analyzing the double skin facade moving in the efficiency of energy consumption in residential buildings sustainability in Tabriz city
Subject Areas :
Renewable Energy
Seyed Mehdi Ghoddosifar
Mahsa Faramarzi Asl
1 - PhD Student in Architecture Research Oriented, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor of Architecture, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabiz, Iran. *(Corresponding Author)
Received: 2022-08-03
Accepted : 2023-01-11
Published : 2022-12-22
Residential Building,
Energy consumption,
Tabriz city,
Double skin facades,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Double skin facades (DSF) are an interesting and important architectural element in buildings because they are very visually appealing and at the same time can perform better than single skin facades. Double skin facades must be properly designed and implemented, otherwise their potential benefits may be lost. For this reason, the physical processes occurring in a double skin facade must be well understood and predicted. However, they are very dynamic and static. The aim of the current research is to analyze the double skin facade moving in the efficiency of energy consumption in residential buildings in Tabriz city.
Material and Methodology: In this research, the analytical descriptive method as well as numerical equations, Design Builder software, Converge and sensitivity analysis were used.
Findings: The results showed that for the double skinned facade in cold seasons, by blocking the top and bottom of the double skinned facade, the air trapped between the double skinned facades is functional insulation and energy loss is reduced. Also, in hot seasons, by leaving the top and bottom of the skin open and creating air flow between the double skin, the heat transfer from the building increases and as a result, the temperature inside it decreases.
Discussion and Conclusion: The results of numerical solution of computational fluid dynamics equations in Design Builder software showed that using this method in Tabriz city, the annual cooling load is reduced by 45% and the annual heating load is reduced by 5%.
Ascione,, Bianco, N., Iovane, T., Mastellone, M., & Mauro, G. M. 2021. The evolution of building energy retrofit via double-skin and responsive façades: A review. Solar Energy, 224, 703-717. doi: 10.1016/j.solener.2021.06.0.
Amani, N., Moghadas Mashhad, M. 2022, The Feasibility of Construction of Zero-Energy Building in the Cold and Semi-Arid Climate (Case Study: Mashhad). Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 22(5): 57-71. doi: 10.22034/jest.2020.36362.4297. (In Persian)
Zanni, J.; Cademartori, S.; Marini, A.; Belleri, A.; Passoni, C.; Giuriani, E.; Riva, P.; Angi, B.; Brumana, G.; Marchetti, A.L. 2021, Integrated Deep Renovation of Existing Buildings with Prefabricated Shell Exoskeleton. Sustainability, 13, 11287. https: //
Pan, W; Iturralde, K; Bock, T; Martinez, R G; Juez, O M; Finocchiaro, P, 2020. A Conceptual Design of an Integrated Façade System to Reduce Embodied Energy in Residential Buildings. Sustainability, 12(14), 5730. doi: 10.3390/su12145730
Eskandani, H O; Yılmaz S; Doraj P. 2021, Analysis of Double Shell Domes in Iranian Architecture. ulakbilge, 56, 90-98. doi: 10.7816/ulakbilge-09-56-08.
Sadeghpour, A. H., Yavari, N. 2022, Analysis of dynamic mechanisms in building facades. Journal of Renewable and New Energy, 2022; 9(2): 101-112. (In Persian)
Al-awag, E. A. N & Wahab, I. A, 2022, Perspectives in double-skin façade (DSF) advantages and Disadvantages, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 10(22), 012003, 1-11 doi: 10.1088/1755-1315/1022/1/012003.
Siadati, F; Fayaz, R.; Nikkadam, N., 2021, Optimization of the thermal performance of in double-skin façade box-type with natural ventilation in the summer season in Tehran, Hot and Dry Climate Architecture, 13, 155-174. (In Persian)
Zhzng, Y, Zhang, Y, Li, Z, 2021, A novel productive double skin façades for residential buildings: Concept, design and daylighting performance investigation, Building and Environment, 212, 1-19. https: // 108817.
Choi, H, Kang, Y. An, K. Yoon, S, Kim, T, 2019, Cooling energy performance and thermal characteristics of a naturally ventilated slim double-skin window, Appl. Therm. Eng. 160, 1-15. 114113.
Rezazadeh, N & Medi, H, 2017, Thermal Behavior of Double Skin Facade in Terms of Energy Consumption in the Climate of North of Iran-Rasht, Space Ontology International Journal, 6(4), 33 - 48.
Ioannidis, Z., Buonomano, A., Athienitis, A.K. and Stathopoulos, T. 2017. Modeling of Double Skin Façades Integrating Photovoltaic Panels and automated roller shades: Analysis of the Thermal and Electrical Performance. And Buildings, 154(186), 1-42. http: //
Li, Y., Darkwa, J., Kokogiannakis, G. & Su, W. 2019. Phase change material blind system for double skin façade integration: System development and thermal performance evaluation. Applied Energy, 252(58), 1-17.
Hu, Y, Heiselberg, P.K, Johra, H, Guo, R, 2020, Experimental and numerical study of a PCM solar air heat exchanger and its ventilation preheating effectiveness, Renew. Energy 145, 106-115. https: //
Lee, C, Lee, H, Choi, M, Yoon, J, 2019, Design optimization and experimental evaluation of photovoltaic double skin facade, Energy Build. 202(179), 1-19. 109314. http: //
Cho, K, Cho, D, 2018, Solar heat gain coefficient analysis of a slim-type double skin window system: using an experimental and a simulation method, Energies 11(1), 1-17. 115. doi: 10.3390/en11010115.
Yang, F, Yuan, F. Qian, F, Zhuang, Z, Yao, J, 2018, Summertime thermal and energy performance of a double-skin green facade: a case study in Shanghai, Sustain. Cities Soc. 39(45), 43-51. https: //
Preet S, Sharma, M. K, Mathur, J, Chowdhury A, Mathur, S, 2021, Analytical model of semi-transparent photovoltaic double-skin façade system (STPV-DSF) for natural and forced ventilation modes, International Journal of Ventilation, 20(3), 1-18, https: //
Iken, O, Fertahi, S ed-D, Dlimi, M, Agounoun, R, Kadiri, R, Sbai, K, 2019, Thermal and energy performance investigation of a smart double skin facade integrating vanadium dioxide through CFD simulations, Energy Convers. Manag. 195, 650-671.
Yan, S, Li, X, Wang, B, Shi, W. Lyu, W, 2019, A method to describe the thermal property of pipe-embedded double-skin façade: equivalent glass window, Energy Build. 195(172), 33-44.
Hassanli S, Kwok, KC. S. Zhao, M, 2017, Performance assessment of a special Double Skin Façade system for wind energy harvesting and a case study, J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerod. 175 292-304. http: //
Jankovic, A, Goia; 2021. Impact of double skin facade constructional features on heat transfer and fluid dynamic behave our. Building and Environment, Building and Environment 196, 1-32 107796. doi: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2021.107796.
Stavrakakis, G.M. & Markatos, N.C., 2009. Simulation of Airflow in One- and Two-Room Enclosures Containing a Fire Source, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 52, 2690-2703.
Zhai, Z. 2006. Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics in Building Design: Aspects and Trends, Indoor and Built Environment, 15: 305-313.
Lin Z, Deng S. 2008. A study on the thermal comfort in sleeping environments in the subtropics-developing a thermal comfort model for sleeping environments. Building and Environment; 43:70-
Asghari, A., Ebrahimi Asl, S., Maleki Gavgani, A., Sattari Sarbangholi, H. 2021, Evaluation of Urban Sustainable Neighbourhood with Zero Energy Buildings in Valiasr Neighbourhood of Tabriz. Sustainable city, 4(2): 91-106. doi: 10.22034/jsc.2021.259714.1364. (In Persian)
Balilan Asl, L., Nourivand, S., Sattarzadeh, D., Asefi, M. 2021, Simulation-Based Design in Experimental Researches of Building Performance: A Case Study of an Office Building in Tabriz. Armanshahr Architecture & Urban Development,14(36): 113-131. doi: 10.22034/aaud.2021.214618.2083. (In Persian)
National Construction Regulations, 2018, Topic 5, Construction Materials and Products, Ministry of Roads and Urban Development, Road, Housing and Urban Development Research Center.
National Construction Regulations, 2018, Topic 19, frugality energy consumption, Ministry of Roads and Urban Development, Road, Housing and Urban Development Research Center. (In Persian)
Baghuzian, R., 2019, Calculations of building facilities (2nd edition), Tehran: Yazda Press. (In Persian)
Samuelson, H., Claussnitzer, S., Goyal, A., Chen, Y., Romo Castillo, A. 2016. Parametric energy simulation in early design: High rise residential buildings in urban contexts. Building and environment, 101(85), 19-31,
Ascione,, Bianco, N., Iovane, T., Mastellone, M., & Mauro, G. M. 2021. The evolution of building energy retrofit via double-skin and responsive façades: A review. Solar Energy, 224, 703-717. doi: 10.1016/j.solener.2021.06.0.
Amani, N., Moghadas Mashhad, M. 2022, The Feasibility of Construction of Zero-Energy Building in the Cold and Semi-Arid Climate (Case Study: Mashhad). Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 22(5): 57-71. doi: 10.22034/jest.2020.36362.4297. (In Persian)
Zanni, J.; Cademartori, S.; Marini, A.; Belleri, A.; Passoni, C.; Giuriani, E.; Riva, P.; Angi, B.; Brumana, G.; Marchetti, A.L. 2021, Integrated Deep Renovation of Existing Buildings with Prefabricated Shell Exoskeleton. Sustainability, 13, 11287. https: //
Pan, W; Iturralde, K; Bock, T; Martinez, R G; Juez, O M; Finocchiaro, P, 2020. A Conceptual Design of an Integrated Façade System to Reduce Embodied Energy in Residential Buildings. Sustainability, 12(14), 5730. doi: 10.3390/su12145730
Eskandani, H O; Yılmaz S; Doraj P. 2021, Analysis of Double Shell Domes in Iranian Architecture. ulakbilge, 56, 90-98. doi: 10.7816/ulakbilge-09-56-08.
Sadeghpour, A. H., Yavari, N. 2022, Analysis of dynamic mechanisms in building facades. Journal of Renewable and New Energy, 2022; 9(2): 101-112. (In Persian)
Al-awag, E. A. N & Wahab, I. A, 2022, Perspectives in double-skin façade (DSF) advantages and Disadvantages, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 10(22), 012003, 1-11 doi: 10.1088/1755-1315/1022/1/012003.
Siadati, F; Fayaz, R.; Nikkadam, N., 2021, Optimization of the thermal performance of in double-skin façade box-type with natural ventilation in the summer season in Tehran, Hot and Dry Climate Architecture, 13, 155-174. (In Persian)
Zhzng, Y, Zhang, Y, Li, Z, 2021, A novel productive double skin façades for residential buildings: Concept, design and daylighting performance investigation, Building and Environment, 212, 1-19. https: // 108817.
Choi, H, Kang, Y. An, K. Yoon, S, Kim, T, 2019, Cooling energy performance and thermal characteristics of a naturally ventilated slim double-skin window, Appl. Therm. Eng. 160, 1-15. 114113.
Rezazadeh, N & Medi, H, 2017, Thermal Behavior of Double Skin Facade in Terms of Energy Consumption in the Climate of North of Iran-Rasht, Space Ontology International Journal, 6(4), 33 - 48.
Ioannidis, Z., Buonomano, A., Athienitis, A.K. and Stathopoulos, T. 2017. Modeling of Double Skin Façades Integrating Photovoltaic Panels and automated roller shades: Analysis of the Thermal and Electrical Performance. And Buildings, 154(186), 1-42. http: //
Li, Y., Darkwa, J., Kokogiannakis, G. & Su, W. 2019. Phase change material blind system for double skin façade integration: System development and thermal performance evaluation. Applied Energy, 252(58), 1-17.
Hu, Y, Heiselberg, P.K, Johra, H, Guo, R, 2020, Experimental and numerical study of a PCM solar air heat exchanger and its ventilation preheating effectiveness, Renew. Energy 145, 106-115. https: //
Lee, C, Lee, H, Choi, M, Yoon, J, 2019, Design optimization and experimental evaluation of photovoltaic double skin facade, Energy Build. 202(179), 1-19. 109314. http: //
Cho, K, Cho, D, 2018, Solar heat gain coefficient analysis of a slim-type double skin window system: using an experimental and a simulation method, Energies 11(1), 1-17. 115. doi: 10.3390/en11010115.
Yang, F, Yuan, F. Qian, F, Zhuang, Z, Yao, J, 2018, Summertime thermal and energy performance of a double-skin green facade: a case study in Shanghai, Sustain. Cities Soc. 39(45), 43-51. https: //
Preet S, Sharma, M. K, Mathur, J, Chowdhury A, Mathur, S, 2021, Analytical model of semi-transparent photovoltaic double-skin façade system (STPV-DSF) for natural and forced ventilation modes, International Journal of Ventilation, 20(3), 1-18, https: //
Iken, O, Fertahi, S ed-D, Dlimi, M, Agounoun, R, Kadiri, R, Sbai, K, 2019, Thermal and energy performance investigation of a smart double skin facade integrating vanadium dioxide through CFD simulations, Energy Convers. Manag. 195, 650-671.
Yan, S, Li, X, Wang, B, Shi, W. Lyu, W, 2019, A method to describe the thermal property of pipe-embedded double-skin façade: equivalent glass window, Energy Build. 195(172), 33-44.
Hassanli S, Kwok, KC. S. Zhao, M, 2017, Performance assessment of a special Double Skin Façade system for wind energy harvesting and a case study, J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerod. 175 292-304. http: //
Jankovic, A, Goia; 2021. Impact of double skin facade constructional features on heat transfer and fluid dynamic behave our. Building and Environment, Building and Environment 196, 1-32 107796. doi: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2021.107796.
Stavrakakis, G.M. & Markatos, N.C., 2009. Simulation of Airflow in One- and Two-Room Enclosures Containing a Fire Source, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 52, 2690-2703.
Zhai, Z. 2006. Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics in Building Design: Aspects and Trends, Indoor and Built Environment, 15: 305-313.
Lin Z, Deng S. 2008. A study on the thermal comfort in sleeping environments in the subtropics-developing a thermal comfort model for sleeping environments. Building and Environment; 43:70-
Asghari, A., Ebrahimi Asl, S., Maleki Gavgani, A., Sattari Sarbangholi, H. 2021, Evaluation of Urban Sustainable Neighbourhood with Zero Energy Buildings in Valiasr Neighbourhood of Tabriz. Sustainable city, 4(2): 91-106. doi: 10.22034/jsc.2021.259714.1364. (In Persian)
Balilan Asl, L., Nourivand, S., Sattarzadeh, D., Asefi, M. 2021, Simulation-Based Design in Experimental Researches of Building Performance: A Case Study of an Office Building in Tabriz. Armanshahr Architecture & Urban Development,14(36): 113-131. doi: 10.22034/aaud.2021.214618.2083. (In Persian)
National Construction Regulations, 2018, Topic 5, Construction Materials and Products, Ministry of Roads and Urban Development, Road, Housing and Urban Development Research Center.
National Construction Regulations, 2018, Topic 19, frugality energy consumption, Ministry of Roads and Urban Development, Road, Housing and Urban Development Research Center. (In Persian)
Baghuzian, R., 2019, Calculations of building facilities (2nd edition), Tehran: Yazda Press. (In Persian)
Samuelson, H., Claussnitzer, S., Goyal, A., Chen, Y., Romo Castillo, A. 2016. Parametric energy simulation in early design: High rise residential buildings in urban contexts. Building and environment, 101(85), 19-31,