The Analythic Approach towards Psychologic and Behavier Needs of Women and Theirt Influence on Quality of Space (Case study: Public Space/
Subject Areas : environmental managementMehrvash Kazemi 1 , farah habib 2 , Seyed gholamreza eslami 3
1 - Ph.D. Faculty of art and Architecture, Azad University of Science and Research Branch, Iran.
2 - 2- Associated Professor, Azad University of Science andBranch, Iran.
3 - 3- Associated Professor,Tehran university
Keywords: Keywords: Women, architecture, Quality of space, Public Space,
Abstract :
3AbstractObjective: Women constitute more than half of the population, however, designers do not pay attention to theirspecial needs. Architecture is for human and human could be divided in two groups: males and females. Theyare different in sex and gender; because of their different gender roles in society they have some different andspecial needs in using the spaces. Sometimes spaces, exactly public spaces, for a part of user (women) are notsuitable because gender needs are overlooked. Gendered spaces as a problem will be appeared when we forgetgender differences, so that some users (women) have to leave the space and in this way a general space isconverted to a specific space. This research attempts to find and explain these spaces by focusing on womenpsychological and behavior needs in public spaces as parks.Method: Research methodology is survey and case study is chosen from some parks of Tabriz.Result: This research attempts to to clarify the process of being gendered and to investigate the spaces in threeways of being gendered:1-By planning2-By design process3-By occupation and future using.Finally, three factors were found: sparated spaces, easy circulation and domination on space in parks that makesuitable spaces
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