Study of Persistence of Polluted Days with Carbon Monoxide (CO) in Tehran City Using Markov Chain Model
Subject Areas : environmental managementJaber Rahimi 1 , Ali Rahimi 2 , Javad Bazrafshan 3
1 - 1- MSc. Student of Agro- meteorology, Irrigation and Reclamation Engineering Dept., University of Tehran,
Karaj, Iran.
2 - MSc.Student of Climatology, Science and Research Faculty, Azad University of Tehran, Iran.
3 - Assistant Prof., Irrigation and Reclamation Engineering Dept., University of Tehran, Karaj, Karaj, Iran
Keywords: Air pollution, CO, Persistence, Markov chain, Tehran,
Abstract :
AbstractIntroduction & Objective: Air pollution is one indication of the urbanization, populationincensement, excessive use of fossil fuel resources, lack of utilizing environmentally friendlytechnologies and most importantly lack of proper environmental management are some the factorswhich play big roles in this matter. Establishment more than ten million people and excessiveconcentration of industries and factories, alongside with the geographical situation, topography andspecific climatic region, have made Tehran one of the seven polluted cities in the world. In theassessment of air quality, concentration of carbon monoxide gas (CO), among the various pollutants,has a main role and importance.Materials & Methods: In this study, the probability of persistence of two to seven days unauthorizedamounts of pollutants CO in city of Tehran was investigated. For this purpose, the 5-year data (2002-2006) related to five stations measuring air quality of pollution control companies of Tehran werecollected and then using first-order, two-state Markov chain were modeled.Results & Discussion: Results showed that the highest probability of persistence of pollutant CO existin Fatemi station, Bazar and Aqdasiyeh stations are sat at next orders. Many months of the year,Fatemi station has the highest probability of CO and two stations, Bazar and Aqdasiyeh, are located innext ranks. Meanwhile, the persistence of pollutant CO in Shahr-e-Rey station compared to otherstations is the least.