Biomonitoring of Heavy Metals using Phragmites australis in Hashilan Wetland, Kermanshah
Subject Areas :
environmental management
Smar Mortazavi
Jamal Rahmani
Atefeh Chamani
1 - Assistant Professor, department of environmental science,, Malayer University, Malayer, Iran(Corresponding author).
2 - Ms. Graduated, Department of environmental science, Malayer University, Malayer, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of environmental science, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University , Isfahan, Iran
Received: 2016-04-03
Accepted : 2016-07-27
Published : 2017-12-22
hashilan wetland,
Heavy Metals,
Phragmites australis,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: One of the most important methods to investigate heavy metals is to apply bio-monitors used as an appropriate index to express the environment quality. In this study, the concentrations of such heavy metals as Zn, Pb and Cu in the underground and aerial organs of Phragmites australis were investigated to study the pollution status in Hashilan Pond, Kermanshah and the effects of dominant species called Phragmites australis in the region. Method: The samples were prepared by nitric acid, perchloric acid and peroxide oxygen and afterwards, the concentrations of elements were measured by the atomic absorption spectrometry. Findings: Results demonstrated that the concentrations of copper, lead and zinc were estimated at 47.23, 6.17 and 24.21 in the sediments, respectively. Also, the mean concentrations of copper, lead and zinc were 2.738-2.190, 15.143-13.02 and 6.11-6.37 mg-1in the underground and aerial organs, respectively; furthermore, the highest metal concentration was related to the underground organs of plant. High values of transfer index concerning zinc indicated high ability of zinc transfer in the plant. In this regard, a positive significant correlation exists between the concentration of zinc in the underground and aerial organs; Discussion and Counclusion: Therefore, the underground organs of reed are introduced as a suitable monitor for the resultant pollution of zinc in the regional sediments.
- Agharokh, A. (2008). “Evaluation of ornamental flowers and fishes breeding in bushehr urban wastewater using a pilot scale aquaponic system.” J. of Water and Wastewater, 65, 47-53. (In Persian).
- Mohamadi, M., Karbasi, A. and Sahebi, M.Hashilan wetland environmental management SWOT method.Journal of Environmental advocacy.2013; 57: 15-27.
- Nick varz, A.R., (2008). investigation of using algae in bio monitoring heavy metals (lead, cadmium, copper, zinc and iron) in tidal areas between Hormuz Island. M.Sc. thesis. Marine Biology- Marine Pollution, Khorramshahr University of Marine Science and Technology, Faculty of Marine Sciences and Oceanic, Department of Marine Biology 102 p. (In Persian).
- Bonanno, G., Lo Giudice, R., (2010). Heavy metal bioaccumulation by the organs of Phragmites australis (common reed) and their potential use as contamination indicators. Ecological Indicators 10, 639-645.
Bowen, H.J.M., (1979). Trace Element in Biochemistry. New York, Academic press, 241-244.
Norouzi Fard, P., (2014) Investigation of Heavy Metals Accumulation in Sediments and Refinement of them by Phragmites australis in Dez River, Dezful. Master's thesis, Environmental Department, Malayer University.
Cheraghi, M., Elahisohrab, A., Safaheieh, A., Ghanemi, K., Doraghi, M., (2013) Investigation on the accumulation of heavy metals in the bed leaves and roots of mangrove (Avicennia marina) in Khuzestan province. Journal of marine science and technology. 11 (4); 46-56.
Vymazal ,Jan.(2015) Concentration is not enough to evaluate accumulation of heavy metals and nutrients in plants Science of The Total Environment, Volume 544, 15 February 2016, Pages 495-498. Volume 544, Pages 495–498
Yap, C.K., Ismail, A., Tan, S.G., Omar, H., (2002). Concentrations of Cu and Pb in the offshore and intertidal sediments of the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Environment International 28, 467–479.
Suthar, S., Nema, A.K. Chabukdhara, M. Gupta, S. K., (2009). Assessment of metals in water and sediments of Hindon River, India: Impact of industrial and urban discharges. Hazardous Materials 171, 1088-1095.
Zacchini, M., Pietrini, F., Mugnozza, G., lori, V., (2008). Metal tolerance, accumulation and translocation in poplar and willow clones treated with cadmium in hydroponics. J. Water Air Soil Pollut 197. 23-34.
Sasmaz, A., Obek, E., Hasar, H., (2008). The accumulation of heavy metals in Typha latifolia L. grown in a stream carrying secondary effluent. Ecological Engineering 33, 278-284.
Ghanadpour, J., Zandmoghadam, A., (2011) Accumulation of heavy metals (lead, zinc, nickel and cadmium) in Typha latifolia and Arvandroud and Bahmaneshir sediments in winter. Wetland Journal of Islamic Azad University, Khozestan Branch. 2(5); 29-36
Oyeyiola, A.O., Davidson, C.M., Olayinka, K.O., Oluseyi, T.O., Alo, B.I., (2013). "Multivariate analysis of potentially toxic metals in sediments of a tropical coastal lagoon", Environ Monit Assess, 185: 2167-2177.
Gill, L., Pamela, R., Neil, M.P., Higgins, P.M., (2014). Accumulation of heavy metals in a constructed wetland treating road runoff. Ecological Engineering.78. 33–Bowen, H.J.M., (1979). Trace Element in Biochemistry. New York, Academic press, 241-244.
Ngayila, N., Botineau, M., Baudu, M., Basly, J.P., (2009). Myriophyllum alterniflorum DC. Effect of low concentrations of copper and cadmium on somatic and photosynthetic endpoints: a chemometric approach. Ecolgical Indicator 9, 307–312.
Bragato, C., Brix, H., Malagoli, M., (2006). Accumulation of nutrients and heavy metals in Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. Ex Steudel and Bolboschoenus maritimus (L.) Palla in a constructed wetland of the Venice lagoon watershed. Environmental Pollution 144, 967-975.
Ebrahimi, M., Jafari, M., Savaghebi, Gh., Azarnivand, H., Tawil, A., and et al., (2012). Investigation of phytoremediation species of Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steudel in soils contaminated with heavy metals (case study, Industrial area Lia - Ghazvin). Research pasture, the sixth year, Number 1, 1-9. (In Persian).
Siedlecka, A., Tukendorf, A., Sko´rzyn´ska-Polit, E., Maksymiec, W., Wo´jcik, M., (2001). Angiosperms (Asteraceae, Convolvulaceae, Fabaceae and Poaceae; other than Brassicaceae). In: Prasad, M.N.V. (Ed.), Metals in the Environment. Analysis by Biodiversity. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 171–217.
Kabata-Pendias, A., Pendias H., 2000. Trace Elements in Soils and Plants ,3rd Edit, Bocaraton New York, CRC Press.
Farkas, A., Claudio, E., Vigano, L., (2007). Assessment of the environmental significance of heavy metal pollution in surficial sediments of the River Po, Chemosphere 68 761–768.
Olivares-Rieumont, S., de la Rosa, D., Lima, L., Graham, D.W., Alessandro, K. D., (2005). Assessment of heavy metal levels in Almendares River sediments-Havana City, Cuba. Water Ressearch 39. 3945–3953.
Rifaat, A.E., (2005). Major controls of metals’ distribution in sediments off The Nile Delta Egypt, Egypt. J. Aquatic Research 31 16–28.
Mendez, W., (2005). Contamination of Rimac River Basin Peru, due tomining tailings. TRITA-LWR Master Thesis, Environmental Engineering and the Nile Sustainable Infrastructure, The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm.
Liu, J., Li, Y., Zhang, B., Cao, J., Cao, Z., Domagalski, J., (2009). Ecological risk of heavy metals in sediments of the Luan River source water. J. Ecotoxicology 18. 748–758.
Varol, M., Şen, B., (2012). Assessment of nutrient and heavy metal contamination in surface water and sediments of the upper Tigris River, Turkey. Catena 92, 1-10.
Zhang, W., Liu, X., Cheng, H.Y., Zeng, E., Hu, Y., (2012). Heavy metal pollution in sediments of a typical mariculture zone in South China. J. Marin Pollution Bulletin 64.712-720
CCME., (1999). (Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment). Canadian environmental quality guidelines. Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment Winnipeng.
Vardanyan, L.G., Ingole, B.S., (2006). Studies on heavy metal accumulation in aquatic macrophytes from Sevan (Armenia) and Carambolim (India) lake systems. Environmental International 32, 208–218.
- Agharokh, A. (2008). “Evaluation of ornamental flowers and fishes breeding in bushehr urban wastewater using a pilot scale aquaponic system.” J. of Water and Wastewater, 65, 47-53. (In Persian).
- Mohamadi, M., Karbasi, A. and Sahebi, M.Hashilan wetland environmental management SWOT method.Journal of Environmental advocacy.2013; 57: 15-27.
- Nick varz, A.R., (2008). investigation of using algae in bio monitoring heavy metals (lead, cadmium, copper, zinc and iron) in tidal areas between Hormuz Island. M.Sc. thesis. Marine Biology- Marine Pollution, Khorramshahr University of Marine Science and Technology, Faculty of Marine Sciences and Oceanic, Department of Marine Biology 102 p. (In Persian).
- Bonanno, G., Lo Giudice, R., (2010). Heavy metal bioaccumulation by the organs of Phragmites australis (common reed) and their potential use as contamination indicators. Ecological Indicators 10, 639-645.
Bowen, H.J.M., (1979). Trace Element in Biochemistry. New York, Academic press, 241-244.
Norouzi Fard, P., (2014) Investigation of Heavy Metals Accumulation in Sediments and Refinement of them by Phragmites australis in Dez River, Dezful. Master's thesis, Environmental Department, Malayer University.
Cheraghi, M., Elahisohrab, A., Safaheieh, A., Ghanemi, K., Doraghi, M., (2013) Investigation on the accumulation of heavy metals in the bed leaves and roots of mangrove (Avicennia marina) in Khuzestan province. Journal of marine science and technology. 11 (4); 46-56.
Vymazal ,Jan.(2015) Concentration is not enough to evaluate accumulation of heavy metals and nutrients in plants Science of The Total Environment, Volume 544, 15 February 2016, Pages 495-498. Volume 544, Pages 495–498
Yap, C.K., Ismail, A., Tan, S.G., Omar, H., (2002). Concentrations of Cu and Pb in the offshore and intertidal sediments of the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Environment International 28, 467–479.
Suthar, S., Nema, A.K. Chabukdhara, M. Gupta, S. K., (2009). Assessment of metals in water and sediments of Hindon River, India: Impact of industrial and urban discharges. Hazardous Materials 171, 1088-1095.
Zacchini, M., Pietrini, F., Mugnozza, G., lori, V., (2008). Metal tolerance, accumulation and translocation in poplar and willow clones treated with cadmium in hydroponics. J. Water Air Soil Pollut 197. 23-34.
Sasmaz, A., Obek, E., Hasar, H., (2008). The accumulation of heavy metals in Typha latifolia L. grown in a stream carrying secondary effluent. Ecological Engineering 33, 278-284.
Ghanadpour, J., Zandmoghadam, A., (2011) Accumulation of heavy metals (lead, zinc, nickel and cadmium) in Typha latifolia and Arvandroud and Bahmaneshir sediments in winter. Wetland Journal of Islamic Azad University, Khozestan Branch. 2(5); 29-36
Oyeyiola, A.O., Davidson, C.M., Olayinka, K.O., Oluseyi, T.O., Alo, B.I., (2013). "Multivariate analysis of potentially toxic metals in sediments of a tropical coastal lagoon", Environ Monit Assess, 185: 2167-2177.
Gill, L., Pamela, R., Neil, M.P., Higgins, P.M., (2014). Accumulation of heavy metals in a constructed wetland treating road runoff. Ecological Engineering.78. 33–Bowen, H.J.M., (1979). Trace Element in Biochemistry. New York, Academic press, 241-244.
Ngayila, N., Botineau, M., Baudu, M., Basly, J.P., (2009). Myriophyllum alterniflorum DC. Effect of low concentrations of copper and cadmium on somatic and photosynthetic endpoints: a chemometric approach. Ecolgical Indicator 9, 307–312.
Bragato, C., Brix, H., Malagoli, M., (2006). Accumulation of nutrients and heavy metals in Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. Ex Steudel and Bolboschoenus maritimus (L.) Palla in a constructed wetland of the Venice lagoon watershed. Environmental Pollution 144, 967-975.
Ebrahimi, M., Jafari, M., Savaghebi, Gh., Azarnivand, H., Tawil, A., and et al., (2012). Investigation of phytoremediation species of Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steudel in soils contaminated with heavy metals (case study, Industrial area Lia - Ghazvin). Research pasture, the sixth year, Number 1, 1-9. (In Persian).
Siedlecka, A., Tukendorf, A., Sko´rzyn´ska-Polit, E., Maksymiec, W., Wo´jcik, M., (2001). Angiosperms (Asteraceae, Convolvulaceae, Fabaceae and Poaceae; other than Brassicaceae). In: Prasad, M.N.V. (Ed.), Metals in the Environment. Analysis by Biodiversity. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 171–217.
Kabata-Pendias, A., Pendias H., 2000. Trace Elements in Soils and Plants ,3rd Edit, Bocaraton New York, CRC Press.
Farkas, A., Claudio, E., Vigano, L., (2007). Assessment of the environmental significance of heavy metal pollution in surficial sediments of the River Po, Chemosphere 68 761–768.
Olivares-Rieumont, S., de la Rosa, D., Lima, L., Graham, D.W., Alessandro, K. D., (2005). Assessment of heavy metal levels in Almendares River sediments-Havana City, Cuba. Water Ressearch 39. 3945–3953.
Rifaat, A.E., (2005). Major controls of metals’ distribution in sediments off The Nile Delta Egypt, Egypt. J. Aquatic Research 31 16–28.
Mendez, W., (2005). Contamination of Rimac River Basin Peru, due tomining tailings. TRITA-LWR Master Thesis, Environmental Engineering and the Nile Sustainable Infrastructure, The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm.
Liu, J., Li, Y., Zhang, B., Cao, J., Cao, Z., Domagalski, J., (2009). Ecological risk of heavy metals in sediments of the Luan River source water. J. Ecotoxicology 18. 748–758.
Varol, M., Şen, B., (2012). Assessment of nutrient and heavy metal contamination in surface water and sediments of the upper Tigris River, Turkey. Catena 92, 1-10.
Zhang, W., Liu, X., Cheng, H.Y., Zeng, E., Hu, Y., (2012). Heavy metal pollution in sediments of a typical mariculture zone in South China. J. Marin Pollution Bulletin 64.712-720
CCME., (1999). (Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment). Canadian environmental quality guidelines. Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment Winnipeng.
Vardanyan, L.G., Ingole, B.S., (2006). Studies on heavy metal accumulation in aquatic macrophytes from Sevan (Armenia) and Carambolim (India) lake systems. Environmental International 32, 208–218.