The evaluation of emissions and air quality index changes in West Mazandaran province
Subject Areas : Air Pollution
Shohreh alidoust
Nader Bahramifar
1 - PhD., Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Faculty of Natural Resources, Tarbiat Modares University, Noor, Mazandaran, Iran.
2 - Associate professor of Environmental Sciences, Department of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Natural Resources, Tarbiat Modares University, Noor, Mazandaran, Iran. *(Corresponding Author)
Keywords: air pollutant, AQI, emission factors, Mazandaran.,
Abstract :
Background and Objectives: Air pollution has been a problem in the urban environment and transport is the main cause of this pollution. In this study, the air pollution index was investigated in the west of Mazandaran province. The emissions due to fuel consumption and its emission factors were calculated in each city and the air quality of each station was evaluated using air quality index (AQI).
Material and Methodology: NO2, SO2, CO and O3 were measured in the 18 stations of the study area using aeroQUAL portable air quality monitoring equipment and the particulate matter PM10 and PM2.5 were also determined by portable HAZ-DUST real-time particulate air monitoring equipment.
Finding: A high concentration of NO2 was obtained in the cities of Mahmudabad and Amol (70 and 72 μg/m3, respectively) and a high concentration of CO was found to be 16.77 and 13.88 mg/m3 in the Mokhaberat square of Chalus city and 17 Shahrivar square of Amol city, respectively. At all sampling stations, the concentration of SO2 was less than 10 μg/m3. In addition, the concentration of O3 was determined to be highest in the industrial zone of Chamestan and Noshahr Seaport. The PM2.5 content was detected to be highest in Mahmudabad city. The emission of mobile and stationary sources was shown the highest level for concentrations of CO and NOX, respectively.
Discussion and conclusion: Obtained results showed that the air quality of the center of Noor city was recognized the only a good air quality area among the study areas. Mokhaberat square of Chalus had the worst air quality (very unhealthy) due to high levels of CO. In the all cities, the main portion of emissions was produced by the mobile sources. NOx emissions from stationary sources in all cities were higher compare to other pollutants, due to the high consumption of natural gas in the industry and residential areas. Because of the unhealthy air quality of some of the stations and the tourism cities of the study area, periodic evaluation of the air monitoring in urban centers must be suggested. In conclusion, it is suggested to use exhaust back-filter in industry and traffic limitations in order to reduce emission of the air pollutants from the mobile and stationary sources.
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