Appropriate water recycling systems for use in residential architecture in Iran
Subject Areas : Architecture and urbanismsaharossadat lohmoosavi 1 , hutan iravani 2 , mohammad kooshafar 3
1 - PhD student in Architecture, Ardestan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ardestan, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Architecture, Islamic Azad University, Ardestan Branch, Ardestan, Iran. *(Corresponding Author)
3 - Faculty member of Water Studies Research Center of Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Branch (Khorasgan), Isfahan, Iran.
Keywords: Water recycling systems, consumption savings, residential architecture, Iran.,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: In this research, we have interpreted and investigated gray water and provided information through a library. Considering the critical conditions of water resources, it is measured by studying and investigating all types of gray water treatment systems with four variables: factors (economic, environmental, residential use and the amount of space used) with entropy and TOPSIS methods. Material and Methodology: The research method in this research is a survey type, the data was collected through a library and field with statistical analysis, the result was obtained that based on the priority of primary physical treatment with a number of 0.881, biological treatment with a number of 0.483, and simple treatment. With a score of 0.305, they have won the third rank. Findings: Three physical, chemical and biological methods have been investigated for the treatment of gray wastewater, of which 62 percent are related to domestic gray wastewater. In this research, gray wastewater treatment is investigated and finally, the best practical option is determined by comparative study and compatibility with residential architecture in Iran. Discussion and Conclusion: In this research, according to the research and collection of materials related to water treatment and examination of gray water treatment systems, the results were obtained using entropy and TOPSIS statistical analysis methods.
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