Phyllis Trible's and Mieke Bal's Interpretations of the Story of the Fall (Genesis 3'): A Comparative Study
Subject Areas :
روح اله Mahdavi
mahdi lakzaei
1 - دانشگاه ادیان و مذاهب
2 - عضو هیئت علمی
Received: 2020-02-04
Accepted : 2020-02-04
Published : 2019-08-23
Feminist Interpretation,
Abstract :
Genesis 3 is one of the most challenging texts for feminist Interpreters. Phyllis Trible as a representative of the school of liberal feminist interpretation and Mieke Bal as a representative of the school of Postmodern feminist interpretation interpret this text and in this article Common and differences points between these two streams, the interpretation of the Genesis text, are shown. Both interpreters are trying on the approach of pro-Eve to reduce the Eve's responsibility in original sin. Trible with commitment to text and acknowledge of Eve's mistake in original sin sees the Gender of Eve has not effect in Occurrence of sin. She believes that the punishment of God is result of original sin's Irregularities. Miike Bell with creative interpretation believe that Eve's act duty in the path to perfection to the formation of human's identity, human beings continue with sexual knowledge. She believes God's punishment of sin is result of original sin and create responsible
کتاب مقدس، انتشارات ایلام، چاپ سوم، 2002م.
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