The Role of the Grace Intermediary in Genetic Entrusting
Subject Areas : Christianity
Adel Meghdadian
Mohammad Javad Shams
1 - Phd Student, Department of Islamic Mysticism, Research Institute of Imam
Khomeini and Islamic Revolution
2 - Assistant Professor, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran
Keywords: entrusting (tafwīḍ), genetic entrusting, mutability of
, God’s will (bi, grace intermediary,
Abstract :
In Islamic mysticism the term "entrusting" (tafwīḍ) can be used in twoways: on the one hand, in ascending journey and at the level of spiritualpractices when a mystic develops the virtue of trust (tawakkul) inhimself the entrusting would be realized. On the other hand, in thedescending journey entrusting means the complete surrender to the willof the grace intermediary. This kind of entrusting has two differenttypes: "genetic entrusting" which refers to the dominance of graceintermediary over creation or genesis; and "entrusting in divinelegislation" which means that the grace intermediary has permissionfrom God to intervene in divine legislation, and to do whatever hethinks best for spiritual development of people.