Effect of melatonin and vitamin C on gastric ulcer in cholestatic rats
Subject Areas : Journal of Comparative Pathobiology
بابک Beta - hydroxybutyric acid, concentrate, dairy calf.
مرتضی Samini
فریبرز Moayer
پژمان Mortazavi
A.A Solati
1 - ندارد
2 - ندارد
3 - ندارد
4 - ندارد
5 - ندارد
Keywords: cysteamine, ulcer, Cholestasis, melatonin, Vitamin C,
Abstract :
The frequency of gastrointestinal ulceration is higher in cholestatic than in healthypopulation.Melatonin is powerful antioxidant, that does not undergo redox cycling.Vitamin C isan antioxidant,that undergo redox cycling. Cysteamine is a most potent agent for inducinggastrointestinal ulcer and its ulcerogenic effect may be due to generation of ROS, and increasingduodenal endothelin-1 concentration.The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of pretreatment with melatonin on cysteamineinducedgastric ulcer in unoperated control (UOC), and bile duct-ligated (BDL) rats.This study have performed on 2 groups of rats: UOC and BDL. each group was divided into 4subgroups.these subgroups were treated with saline, cysteamine, vitamin C plus cysteamine andmelatonin plus cysteamine respectively.All rats were killed 24h after the last injection andstomach was prepared for calculation of j.score. In BDL group, the common bile duct wasdoubly ligated and after7 days, rats had shown overt jaundice. BDL group was treated like theUOC group .In UOC group, injection of cysteamine was associated with significant increased in j.scorecompared with saline group. injection of vitamin C and melatonin, was associated with decreasein and j.score compared with cysteamine group. In BDL group injected with cysteamine, j.scorewere significantly more sever compared with saline group. injection of vitamin C and melatoninwas associated with significant decrease in j.score compared with cysteamine group.Our results suggest that pretreatment with melatonin , protect UOC and BDL rats againstcysteamine-induced gastric ulcer possibly by ability to improve oxidative stress.