Designing a Model of General and Specific Competencies in the Field of Urban Management (Case Study: Managers of Tehran Municipality)
Subject Areas : Urban Management Studies
Vahid Alamdari
mohamadnaghi imani
jalil younesi
asghar sharifi
1 - Islamic Azad University Roudehen Branch - Educarion and Counselling . Managment and Accounting
2 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Counseling, Azad Islamic University, Roudhan Branch
3 - Associate Professor, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Allameh Tabatabai University
4 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Counseling, Azad Islamic University, Roudhan Branch
Keywords: general competencies, specific competencies, city managers, Tehran Municipality,
Abstract :
Introduction and purpose: Undoubtedly, the performance of urban managers, especially in a metropolis such as Tehran Municipality, will have a wide impact on the human force of this organization and on the stakeholders, including citizens, contractors of projects and government organizations, and others who interact with this organization. . The selection of competent managers will lead to the effective performance of employees and organizations. Considering the importance of competency models in the selection of successful and effective managers and the prominent role of Tehran Municipality in urban management, the aim of the current research is to design the competence model of Tehran Municipality managers. Method: qualitative approach and theme analysis method were used in this research. For this purpose, a semi-structured interview was conducted with 12 university experts and managers with municipal experience. Findings: After coding the implemented interviews, 10 themes were extracted which were the necessary competencies for managers. These 10 themes were classified into two general categories of general and specific competencies. General competencies include professional ethics, cognitive skills, change management, and data management, and specific competencies include communication skills, individual capabilities, specialized knowledge and skills, problem solving skills, people leadership, and performance management. Conclusion: According to the competencies extracted in this research, it is recommended that urban managers in Tehran Municipality be evaluated and selected based on these competencies and the development of the competencies of managers should always be considered by the Tehran Municipality.
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