Participatory and Participatory Requirements in the Process of Organizing Urban old texture in the Local Community. Case Study: Qom City
Subject Areas : Urbanism- Architecture
mohsen shabestar
fatemeh fallah haydari
zahra moradi
1 - Allameh Tabatabaei University
2 - Payam Noor University of Rasht
3 - Kharazmi University of Tehran
Keywords: Qom, Erode texture, renovation –improvement, Attitude,
Abstract :
Intervention in erode texture is basically a social issue and its main pillar is the participation of household living in target organizing areas. Experience, preparation, implementation and evaluation of inefficient and erode urban texture organizing planning, clearly demonstrate that there will be no guarantee for achieving to the goals without agreement and interconnected between inhabitants and renovation improvement authorities.So attracting inhabitant’s participation is a vital precondition for erode texture planning. In this regard in order to encourage cooperation seeking sense among inhabitants and realization to people participation field there need to awareness of households attitude. And present study has been done for the same objective.The study population of this research are in Charmardan, Handian and Ghale kamkar neighborhood in Qom city. Process governing on this research first has reviewed the library records relating to the research and has developed theoretical framework and then meanwhile developing hypothesis in response to posed questions also has done field research. Research methodology is descriptive analysis and data co collecting has done through questionnaires and interview. In order to hypothesis testing Spirman correlation efficient is used and for study on relation variable path analysis is applied. The research result s show that the participation