Assessment of Technical Efficiency of Comprehensive Health Services Centers of Hamadan by Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) in 2019
Subject Areas : medical documents
aslani aslani
farzaneh aslani
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of public Management, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Master's Graduate, Department of pblic Management, Payame Noor University, Shahin Shahr, Iran
Keywords: Social responsibility, Environmental performance, Environment, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Identification of organizational opportunities,
Abstract :
Introduction: Organizations are not able to develop the effectiveness of their collective wisdom without the voluntary willingness of individuals to cooperate. The purpose of this research was to investigate the impact of hospital social responsibility on organizational citizenship behavior with the mediating role of identifying organizational opportunities and environmental performance. Methods: The research method is descriptive-survey. The statistical population of this research was made up of managers and experts of a public hospital in Isfahan city (300 people), and some of them (164 people) were studied by simple random sampling method. The tool of data collection was a questionnaire, and the validity of the structure was examined through the professors and its reliability was examined by Cronbach's alpha test. Analysis of research data was done through structural equation modeling using SPSS and PLS software. Results: Based on the obtained results, the measurement indices of each of the scales used at the 5% confidence level were greater than 1.96, which indicates that the observed correlations are significant. Conclusion: Therefore, according to the findings, it is suggested that in order to gain the trust of the human force and strengthen the spirit of risk-taking, the managers should seek to reduce the factors that cause nervous pressure and reduce formal and completely political behavior to the lowest possible level. Accept differences of opinion easily in the organization.
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12- Obeidat S M, Al Bakri A. A, Elbanna S. Leveraging “green” human resource practices to enable environmental and organizational performance: Evidence from the Qatari oil and gas industry. Journal of Business Ethics, 2020; 164(2): 371-388.
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15- Andervazh L, naiemi E, rezayati L, atf Z, ghasemi hamedani I. The Effect of Green Education on Green Citizenship Behavior with Moderating Role of Green Management Performance, Green Creativity and Green Employee’s Involvement in A Hospital. Journal of healthcare management, 2020; 10(no 34): 103-112.
16- Asartamar M, Moghtader Mansouri A. The Role of Social Responsibility Components on Organizational Health (Case Study of Urmia Health Network Staff). Journal of healthcare management, 2019; 10(no 3): 7-20.
17-. Cheema S, Afsar B, Javed F. Employees' corporate social responsibility perceptions and organizational citizenship behaviors for the environment: The mediating roles of organizational identification and environmental orientation fit. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. 2020; 27(1): 9-21.
_||_1- Saidi Agilabadi, F; Nouri, A. Saidi Agilabadi, A. and Saidi Aqeelabadi, Z. Investigating the impact of green human resource management on environmental performance and environmentally friendly behavior of employees, the 27th annual international conference of the Iranian Mechanical Engineers Association, Tehran, Iranian Mechanical Engineers Association; 2018. [In Persian]
2- Jafari Deh Dezi, Arzoo and Mehrabani, Fatemeh. Investigation of the effect of organizational social responsibility on organizational trust, job satisfaction and customer orientation: private hospitals in Ahvaz city, the second international conference on modern researches in management; 2014. [In Persian]
3- Cheema, S. Afsar B, Farheen, J. Employees' corporate social responsibility perceptions and organizational citizenship behaviors for the environment: The mediating roles of organizational identification and environmental orientation fit, environment management; 2019: 11-32.
4- Namdar, Morteza, Jalal Kamali, Mohammad, Shekoh, Zahra, Selajqa, Sanjar. The effect of organizational citizenship behavior on the job performance of education workers in Fars province. Educational Leadership and Management Quarterly, 2022; 16(1): 1-26. [In Persian]
5- Shakri, Ahmed, Bhanshi, Ebadullah, Bustani, Hamidreza. Investigating the relationship between organizational social responsibility and employee loyalty: the mediating role of organizational citizenship behavior (case study: Isfahan University employees). Scientific Quarterly of Human Resources Studies, 2016; 7(2): 89-108. [In Persian]
6- Nikookar, H., Ahi, P., Akbari, M. The Impact of Vision Leadership on Organizational Effectiveness: The Mediating Role of Organizational Citizenship Behavior. The Journal of Productivity Management, 2021; 15(2(57) summer): 107-138. Doi: 10.30495/qjopm.2020.1879598.2632. [In Persian]
7- Shams Ghahfarokhi M, Ghasemi M, Shams Ghahfarokhi F. Relationship between Social Well-being and Organizational Citizenship Behavior among Employees of Al-Zahra University Hospital, Isfahan, Iran. J Health Res Commun, 2021; 7 (1): 13-24. [In Persian]
8- Hadavi Seyedah Farideh, Talibpour Mehdi, Farahani Abolfazl, Nakhai Niazi Azam. Investigating the relationship between the dimensions of organizational entrepreneurship and organizational intelligence in order to identify organizational opportunities based on the fuzzy DMATEL technique (Case study: Ministry of Education and Youth). Research journal of sports management and movement behavior, 2017; 14(28): 25-44. [In Persian]
9- Akbari M, Danesh M. The Impact of Bricolage on Corporate Entrepreneurship: The mediation role of opportunity identification. Iranian Journal of Agricultural Economics and Development Research, 2019; 50(4): 789-801. Doi: 10.22059/ijaedr.2019.264819.668649. [In Persian].
10- Puhakka, V. Versatile and flexible use of intellectual capital in entrepreneurial opportunity discovery. Journal of Management Research, 2010; 2(1): E3.
11- Roscoe S, Subramanian N, Jabbour C.J.C & Chong T. Green human resource management and the enablers of green organisational culture: Enhancing firm's environmental performance for sustainable development. Journal of Business strategy and the Environment, 2019; 28: 737-749.
12- Obeidat S M, Al Bakri A. A, Elbanna S. Leveraging “green” human resource practices to enable environmental and organizational performance: Evidence from the Qatari oil and gas industry. Journal of Business Ethics, 2020; 164(2): 371-388.
13- Jamalzad Fallah F. Abedinzadeh N. Ravanbakhsh M. Investigation of Effectiveness of EMS Establishment in Improvement of Environmental Performance of Industrial Units in Iran. Environmental Researches, 2014; 4(7): 23-34. [In Persian]
14- Mehrabi R, Zabihi M, Omrani M. Studying the Impact of Social Responsibility of Social Security Organization on Improving Employees’ Citizenship Behavior Focused on ethical Values and Organizational Justice. Social Security Journal, 2020; 16(3): 149-167. Doi: 10.22034/qjo.2020.135351. [In Persian].
15- Andervazh L, naiemi E, rezayati L, atf Z, ghasemi hamedani I. The Effect of Green Education on Green Citizenship Behavior with Moderating Role of Green Management Performance, Green Creativity and Green Employee’s Involvement in A Hospital. Journal of healthcare management, 2020; 10(no 34): 103-112.
16- Asartamar M, Moghtader Mansouri A. The Role of Social Responsibility Components on Organizational Health (Case Study of Urmia Health Network Staff). Journal of healthcare management, 2019; 10(no 3): 7-20.
17-. Cheema S, Afsar B, Javed F. Employees' corporate social responsibility perceptions and organizational citizenship behaviors for the environment: The mediating roles of organizational identification and environmental orientation fit. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. 2020; 27(1): 9-21.